i reccomend everone reads something by Friedrich Nietzsche. ive recently begun to get into him again and remembered how amazingly briliiant he was. so. go do it. read. twilight of the idols. or the anti-christ. or something. just. read it.
Dibo is in the hospital. most of you know already. but yea. he overdosed and is now in a coma and on life support. the doctors say if he lives he iwll be a vegetable. we may never see the old dibo again. why owuld someone give him some pills and say their one thing when their not? and why did it have to be dibo? that kid is awesome and the idea of
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Well looky here. I, Tyler Koski, am updating, its amazing. well a lot has happened in the past like however long its been but i'll get to the real reason im here
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