My Super Junior Fanfiction Archive

Feb 23, 2009 08:49

Below is the archive for fanfiction in Super Junior fandom that I, freedomthisway, have written. Mostly the links are for the posts I made in my own writing journal, black_pendant, but you can also find them under my tag at miracle______. :))


A Reason Why Lee Donghae Loves Lee Hyukjae The Most in This Whole Wide World
(fluff-crack / EunHae / PG-13 / 915 words)

When Donghae Is Being Donghae, Hyukjae Is Just A Hyukjae, And Kibum Is Not Kibum (fluff-angst / EunHae & onesided-KiHyuk / PG-13 / 2641 words)

Roll The Dice!
(crack / Hyuk/everyone, KiHyuk / PG-13 / 5411 words)

Hyukjae, I Am Not Drunk Tonight
(angst-H/C / KangHyuk / NC-17 / 5892 words)

Finding The Right Thing, voted as the most well written fic for runawayxxlovee/xnhi's Prompt Challenge: HyukSu's prompt.
(angst-H/C-Highschool AU / Hyuksu (main), KiHyuk, SiHyuk, EunHae, KangHyuk / R / 9850 words)

Masochist, written to fulfill hunni23's request.
(Smut-angst / KangHyuk, ninja!KangTeuk / NC-17 / 2044 words)

After School Romance, won Third Place and got voted as People's Choice on Heechul's Kissing Massacre Contest, Fanfiction Challenge hosted by ficcy.
(PWP/Smut / SiHanChul, HanChul (main), SiChul / NC-17+, warning: Threesome, Double Penetration and minor sex / 3000 words)

SERIES list (finished):

Drowning Angel - 4 Chapters + Epilogue: here in one post
(angst-H/C-Host Club AU / Kihae, minor SiChul and KangHyuk / NC-17 / 10974 words overall)

Betrayal - A Prequel, a series for Nhi.
(angst-Office AU / YehYuk, Junsu / R)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3-end

SERIES list (Working In Progress):

A Story of Hurting and Healing
(angst-H/C-AU / SiHan, KangHyuk / R)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 & 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 & 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

A Fragile Heart - The Sequel
(angst-Office AU / KangHyuk, Junsu / R)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Frozen Flower - Super Junior Version
(angst - Historical AU / SiChul, SiMin / PG-13)
First Scroll
Second Scroll

Note: Last updated in September 8th, 2010.

fandom: super junior, my muses flows, suju archive

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