Today was unbearable. First okay. We watched a movie in which I've already read the book. I liked it. Second was boring and irritating. Third was probably the best part of the day. And the rest isn't worth telling
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Watched some movies today. Well, just two-League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which was aight, and Biker Boys, which is fabulous. Then I cleaned up the kitchen cuz it's my turn, then I came on here to check my mail. My sister was suppose to email me. Haven't checked it yet so I don't know if she has. Guess, I better get to it.
Today was cool. Nothing bad happen, nobody stepped up to me, acting stupid, my friends were all happy, you know-things like that. But everything's so messed up right now. Yeah, it's complicated
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Hmmm....first period was boring, second was boring, third was boring...hell the whole day sucked. But in a good, natural kinda way, cuz school is school, right
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Umm...nothing much happened yesterday...Well, I couldn't go to my friend's house. I was sad. I'm getting my hair braided. It looks weird because I haven't had it braided in a long time. I'm glad I'm getting my hair back braided; I shoulda never taken it out of braids because the plan didn't work
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Today was...blah. Nothing much happened, 'cept Crystal and Mariah building a snowman and we all took pictures with it. Then we cleaned up the house. Then my dad came home and him and my mom are mad at each other so they'e not speaking. Yep, that's so mature
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Today was a pretty good day-better than yesterday's at least. 'Cept this morning I was walking around with the tag/sticker thing still on my pants so now people know my First period was cool. Chris Ball's in there now and it was pretty funny. I had to read my t-shirt poem out loud in front of the class and(of course), I was nervous so I(
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