Mar 11, 2013 17:03
I want to start a charity that give bicycles to people in the world who need them the most, and equips those people with the skills to repair those bicycles.
Nov 21, 2012 20:51
I killed at the gym today. I ran for 40 minutes (finished 5 k in 26 minutes and 26 seconds), then did some time on the spin for around 20. I sweated SO much. I also did a 60 minute spin class (via ipod) on Monday.
Oct 17, 2012 10:53
i had a job interview today. I think it went really well.
At one point, my potential boss asked what I like to do for fun. I said I like going to little concerts sometimes. Then he asked if I'm a "Country Girl". Weirdest job interview question ever.
Anyway, I hope I get the job. It's full time daytime monday to friday.
Sep 01, 2012 17:18
" If women always seek to avoid confrontation, to always be "safe", we may never experience any revolutionary change, any transformation, individually or collectively." Bell Hooks
Aug 27, 2012 15:48
this week:
read Lucy Lippard book
apply for a couple jobs
hang out with Bill
mabe find Phoebe
talk to Emily
talk to Danica
Aug 26, 2012 11:33
ask to make choices that are based in truth and in love