I"M SOOO SORRY!!!!!!!!! I've let alot of you down by owning this journal! But today I"m gonna give you the ultimate update!! *dun dun dun* Well... lets see... I didn't update this baby since the 16th.... and then the 20th of January since then lol! I'm sooo rotten! Anyways! Valentine's happened... and again I sat there in my chair a phone in my
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I know I know I haven't been updating, but that's been because i'm way to lazy too! lol! sorry :( Anyways... alots been going on just getting my college stuff figured out, and being cheated by my b/f a couple times. and that's it... i'll write more later!! i PROMISE
Man oh man. Today was a neutral okay. I had my fun/ bring downs. So I feel balanced. Anyways... I went and talked to my counselor today about graduating and omgosh it was just crazy!! We sat there trying to figure out just how many credits I need to equal 20 before August. CCCCrazy stuff. I don't like it but oh well. I'm soo happy though cuz right
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Well I revamped my acount on yahoo messenger lol. It's been ages!!! But Talem was asking to get my s/n and I thought I should've gotten on. It was so funny last night. HAHA Me and Talem talked for hours upon hours about nothing at all and we had soo much fun laughing and what not. He's such a cool person!!! It's pretty sad though that when my
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Well I'll have to say I'm sorry but it has been a long while since I've updated my journal ol' pal. Alot of things have happened recently... some things that seriously bother and piss me off and others that make me pee myself of glee. But that's not the point... I need to update!!!! LOL I'll do this in sections so you read w/e you want to read
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Well New Year's sucked soo bad. I was all alone and Ben was off having fun with his friends and my grandparents and aunt were out eating and what not and I just stayed home and put up away messages making it look like I was out having fun lol. Pathetic huh? Well The day after that me and Ben were supposed to see each other but things didn't work
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What you do: Reply in comments, then copy and paste the quiz onto your livejournal (including, but not limited to, this bold sentence). Include your answers in the comments on your own journal. Ready? GO
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Well it's Christmas Day and I'm real greatful for the things I got. For like the longest time I thought my mom had gone out and gotten me a PS2.... but we were up late last night after coming home from opening presents at my aunt's house, and we saw e/o playing Santa. I had been working on making her a homemade scrub top for her work for about a
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DRACULA!!!! WHOO HOO! I dont know why that's cool but it is.. and then I was a leotard.... which is even more cooler cuz i love to dance... oh yeah baby!