Im so bord and Amanda is this keybord sucks big monkey dick. you have to press is really hard to make the space bar work. Amanda types way faster then I do I think ill stab
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Im soooooo bord....i hate geting sick aaaaaaaaa ima go to school tommarow no madder what haha....Im sending out the love to all the homies that are mine....and im eating food now thats good. I think i lost some waight with this sickness since i didint eat anything for like 2 days...weee...i fell ......ify
So for all the poeple that read my last know some people did because it was short and easy to read...butt ima kill my dad...O i mean im still sick off my ass and im going to the doc tommarow to see what he can do. So far ive reached the point where im geting blood to come up out me.....mmmm...mmmm...good