I'm more active on the community's I joined rather than here. On occasion a post will appear when some writer's block entry catches my eye, or I make some new icons or graphics and share them here and on graphic communities. But I'm on everyday or at least 5 times a week on communities. I'm not a inactive member, so i hope this doesn't exclude me
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It was requested, So here are some GIFs from season 5 that I made. Part Two: Sam, Cas, Zach, Gabriel These images are all from aired episodes. I need to make some Dean ones. ( WARNING MASSIVE AMOUNT OF GIFS )
It was requested, So here are some GIFs from season 5 that I made. Part one: Lucifer Gifs These images are all from aired episodes. Enjoy. ( WARNING MASSIVE AMOUNT OF GIFS )
No its not the Government's place to define nor control marriage. Yet it seems they feel the need to since government benefits are involved with marriages. Its no one but the ones marrying to choose what they plan to do when it comes to marriage. Government nor religion should dictate what a person should or should not marry.
A pretty old set. but I'm gonna make a new one... [132] Total [47] Ruki [24] Aoi [17] Uruha [21] Reita [19] Kai plus some extras (with more than one band member) Teaser: