So my mom finally buckled down and got a dog. I'm proud of her. Miss Jet is soo good. She's a 4 year old retired racing greyhound, almost all black with white paws, a white chest, white nose and the tip of her tail is white. She is also getting white/grey hairs over her body. Mom's happy. Pictures later.
We have a soccer camp staying in my building now. They are more annoying than the cheerleaders. I didn't think anyone could be more annoying than the cheerleaders. At least the cheerleaders didn't have something to bounce.
I used to think that Ann Coulter was evil, however after watching her on Hannity & Colmes tonight, I think that she is just one dumb hoe. Seriously, she's crazy. Like looney bin crazy. In fact, you might say that I even pity Ann Coulter.
Piece of advice: don't call the people on duty for a lockout at 7:40am unless you are really sure that you need it. I don't appreciate walking all the way to Apollo (by way of the office to get an Apollo keyring) to find out one of the other people in your suite let you in.
I've got two tickets to see Mamma Mia this Saturday at 8pm at the Bob Carr. I'm going to be out of town for Memorial day, so I need to get rid of them. Normally they are $40 each, but I'll be willing to get rid of them for $20.