Name/Nickname: Bindiya
Age: 22
Likes: One-of-a-kind objects and thrift/retro stores, skydiving, things of wit or exceptional cleverness, blowing stuff up, making weaponry/armor at work, my friends, wasabi, aesthetically pleasing things, museums of natural history, jewelery (silver, not gold, please), GOOD quality food, a good story (whether in a book, movie, or word of mouth), roleplaying, celebrating 4:20, alcohol (trust us, we KNOW why the rum is gone), toying with people's heads, culturally unique music (techno irish, traditional Indian, German trance, Japanese rap, etc), exotic weapons, action/adventure/fantasy movies, orchids, flirting, the romantic image of piracy, getting to scare the living hell out of others, and the smell of AXE in the morning.
Dislikes: Close-minded people, people who stereotype themselves (*cough*emokids*cough*), crybabies, maternal figures, being bored and/or alone, too much neat, order, or quiet (chaos > order), authority figures who take themselves too seriously...actually ANYONE who takes themselves too seriously, the self-righteous, snobs, prudes, bible-bangers, and the ones who keep trying to shut the party down. It never fails. You start having fun and they call in the law enforcement...oh. Don't like them much, either. Or government officials. In fact, they're probably worse.
Strong points: I'm a pretty stand-out personality, and I'm not usually afraid to say what I think or feel on a given situation. I'm also very good at arguing my stance, articulation definitely being one of my stronger suits, and I've been told I have a gift with words and expression. I do get very passionate on certain subjects, and it can run away from me, at times. I consider myself quite clever and witty, though it's only in applications like this that I'll ever actually come out and SAY so, because I'm generally not one to blow my own horn. Unless it's around my friends and I'm feeling fiesty. I have a healthy sense of ego and self-esteem. I pride myself on my looks and charm, and while I'm not really a people-person, I do collect friends and allies fairly easily. I'm honest, more often than not, because being frank and dealing with people point-blank saves the trouble of web-weaving later, and I don't like repeating myself or being misinterpreted. Last but not least I consider myself adventurous, being of the mindset that you should try -everything- twice, because it might not have been done right the first time, and if something smells exciting or entertaining in any form, I'm usually game.
Weaker points: I'm vain. Did we notice with the lengthy list of strong points? ;) I can be arrogant, and overlook crucial details in my rush to get to what interests me, or end up biting off more than I can chew. I'm extremely opinionated and determined, and I do not hold to playing fair; I play to win. I can also be snarky and snide, and at times I just seem to lose my ability to care about what effect my words might have on those with more tender sensibilities. I tend to hold people to my standards of thinking, and if they show any sign of inferiority or weakness, it's hard for me not to see them that way, subconciously, for a long, long time to come. I'm also terminally lazy, and a mad procrastinator, and I'm very much driven by my moods. If I'm not motivated, if there isn't something in it for me that I can appreciate, I'm downright apathetic. I also don't deal well with other people's raw emotions, and tend to draw back when other people open up to me. I prefer living in the now and having a good time than planning ahead, and I tend to forget things in the whirlwind of activity and thought that my everyday life consists of. Drugs and drinking doesn't help much, and I do tend to push to excess on both, when I have a mind to. Sometimes relationships with other people suffer because my mind is focused elsewhere, one of those passions or obsessions that I tend to collect so easily. Obsession is one my biggest issues...I find something worthwhile and lose track of everything and everyone else in my persuit of it. I have a bad habit of shutting feelings in and people out when I feel I have a more worthy task at hand.
Hobbies &/or Talents: Hobbies: Role-playing, graphics and drawing, writing, being snarky, turning heads, throwing computer monitors off bridges at moving trains at midnight (alright, it was just the once, but it was fun!), indulging in various forms of substance abuse, ordering people around, scaring people, sleeping, and being too lazy to give a damn.
Talents: Well, I can keep a cool head in most situations...I'm a rather smooth talker, if I do say so myself. And I do. Oh! Does being able to send a 6ft+ professional football player crawling away on his hands and knees in terror count as a talent? That'd have to be one of my favorites. I've also got a bit of an artistic streak in me...writing, drawing, music making, the whole lot of it fascinates me. What can I say? A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
Favorite color: Silver.
Favorite animal: I'm one of those girls that never quite grew out of loving horses. Snakes run a close second.
Favorite season: Almost everything about fall, I love. Everything turns absolutely gorgeous when the leaves start to change color, and the sun quits roasting us on the sidewalks. It's not too cold, not too hot, the nights are growing longer (I'm very much a night person), and the Haunted Houses and Renn Faires start up for the season, both dress-up opportunities I get a kick out of. I absolutely have the most fun in fall, no question.
Mature or Immature: I'm -very- mature, for my age, as the older folks keep telling me. I'm just highly irresponsible. Balances it all out. Keeps me from being too much of a stick.
Leader or Follower: If I'm leading, I lost my group somewhere back there. *points* But I'm not much for following. I tend to wander off on my own and come back when it pleases me to do so. Sometimes I serve as leader, but more or less because other people look to me for that leadership. I don't set out to be one, as I don't care for the responsibilities that come with it. I take care of what's mine. That's it, the end. Don't expect me to babysit you if you're not competant enough to keep up. Just not really a 'pack' person.
Outgoing or Shy: I TEND towards really depends on the situation. If it's a setting I'm comfortable in, I'm -quite- extroverted, and usually mastering or finding my little spot within said situation. If it's a new environment and I haven't got my bearings yet, though, I tend to stand off to the side and observe til I'm sure enough of what's going on.
Confident or Modest: I play modesty well, when I have to. But there's no shortage of ego here.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Realist. Who cares if the glass is half empty or half full? All I care about is whether I'm thirsty or not, and who's on dish-duty at the moment.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Varies between the three. Most of the time I'm set on 'low', but certain key events/words can crank it into 'high' without any sort of warning at all.
Goals in life: At the end of my life, I want to be remembered. To have someone think back on me with even the smallest amount of fondness or curiosity when I'm no longer around. To have something to live on in...a movie, a picture, a story, something that stirs the memory and keeps the dust from collecting, so that it doesn't fade with time, but remains new, something added or something elaborated on as it passes on through time. Because by that time, nothing else is really going to matter to me, wherever I end up at. And in the meanwhile, I plan on taking life a day at a time, enjoying myself and every moment I have. The future will come, and the past is gone. The now, the moments existing that we can touch and hold, those are all that matter to me at this point.
Eat drink and be merry! Tomorrow might be that day.
Favorite quote & why: My dad used to tell me, wise and benevolent soul that he was, "In life, everybody's a whore. The trick is, don't be a cheap whore." Everything has something they'll sell themselves for, everyone has that shiny little price tag hanging off of the end of their good intentions. Just don't ever sell out for something you're not absolutely sure is worth it. Make them PAY to be graced with your favor. Keep your priorities in order, always. Good advice to bear in mind when dealing with life's less savoury characters.
Describe your personality in three words or more: The apathetic hedonist. A good summary of the volume. If you need more, you should have been paying attention earlier.
Favorite character & why: N/A. See below.
Least favorite character & why: As of yet, I haven't got one. I'm JUST getting into Bleach, and the very basics of the characters, and before I have the chance to be influenced or have any sort of bias, I thought I'd go ahead and get this out of the way. Put things in perspective before I head in, so to speak.
Anything else: Bookbase.
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