suck seriously alot...i seem to have to worst luck with them. My first car completely sucked...i had to replace the engine and transmission, and now my current car by the end of this week i will have over $700 dollars worth of engine repairs to pay for.
i have the most rediculous parents..seriously...if my mom really wants me to move out so badly i will, she is pushing me to the edge, she has been on this rampage to make my life miserable lately...she sucks so bad sometimes...
Today started out pretty sucky...i went to school and thought i lost me keys and it was a big deal cause i had to go to court...but i had them the whole time, so i went to court all super dressed up and with my hair over gel'd and slicked to the side
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yea so the last few weeks i have been a jerk to everyone pretty much and i just wanted to apologize. Yea but im going to try and be nice to people. i dont really know where im going with this entry
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yea so im not very good about this updating thing, too much has happened to write about, tonight i went to stephens basement show, it was cool but i missed most of arson portrait
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