This is where you can give me critique or contact me OOCly. I want to do my best with Joshua, so please feel free to use this! Anon is enabled. Comments are not screened--I think it's better if people can see if an issue's been addressed before.
Characters will get added to this list if they've interacted with Joshua a few times, or if they've had a major interaction (fights, collar loosening, anything super memorable). If you think your character should be on this list and I've missed you, it's probably a mistake on my part, so please let me know!
Trying to keepp better track of this again. Behind the cut is a summary of everything Joshua's done in this moth, including links to threads, logs and entries.
I made some changes to the personality section when I reapped Joshua, as well as made some new samples, so I figured I should post up the new app here. Warning: TL;DR