I really, honestly hate kids who think hitler was a "smart guy". intelligent people are peaceful; peace is efficient. hitler was foolish, he had delusions of grandeur.
it's really too bad the nazi propaganda still exists and works today. if you want to respect something, respect that. (but at the same time, you have to respect how McDonalds has programmed its food into your head since you were a baby, and how Nike has kids waiting in line to buy 1000 dollar shoes. its the same thing.)
Re: white kids.blink182psychoApril 25 2006, 19:27:13 UTC
Haha I hope you don't hate me over an opinion but it was how I was raised. Now don't get the wrong idea I wasn't raised to worship Hitler or anything but we've always had a Nazi daggar in our house from when my grandfather picked it up off the battle field. My parents never taught me it was this horrible thing and when I learned about it in school it was never set as a bad thing either. Sure I've always been obsessed with death but I do not hate jews and wish death upon them. Maybe it would be different if this happened to the Catholics but it didn't.. and what's past is passed. It's just somewhat in our family history and me being Catholic I was taught that the jewish people are stupid (though I don't personally think they are) for not believing in "our" Jesus. Oh well, whatever, it's how I was raised just like the McDonalds and Nike thing or whatever but yeah. I do love McDonalds I just don't eat it once a week because my mum's home cooked meals are cheaper. Haha.
Re: white kids.automatickaApril 26 2006, 00:12:42 UTC
torturing, killing, and enslaving people is terrible, universally. you dont have to be taught that. give me a break.
it's shit like this that makes me hate the country I live in. you can't have an opinion if you don't do any research. (the history channel does NOT count). I can't believe just because you were told something about a group of people, you believe it. or anything, for that matter.
I really don't know you all that well, I guess. but shit like this is disgusting. being "obessed with death" and spouting a bunch of nonsense doesn't make me hate you...but it's changing what I see.
oh my... hitler genious? hardly. there was not one aspect of him that was "brilliant." he went after anyone who wasn't like him. he was an alright artist. that was about it. the nazis...also terrible. they were weak. they were brainwashed by hitler into killing 12 million people. including 6 million jews. confederacy cool? i gotta disagree again. "the union doesn't believe in slavery. but we don't care! let's start our own government and begin a war!" i feel bad for you.
For the confederacy thing I'm not going to feel bad for myself because my darlin' loves it. He's a redneck and that's how he feels I'm not going to tell him he's wrong for agreeing with it. *shrug* I can never win with anyone...
I feel bad for you! You obviously have no idea what the Civil War was actually about, or who started it. It's called American History. Take it sometime.
Uhm actually I do know what the Civil War was actually about seemings I took it in 5th grade, have three books on it, and just saw a really awesome play in Washington D.C. about it about a family on the confederate side. Brian's obsessed with it and so are a lot of his friends seemings they are all rednecks who hate black people. I don't hate black people but if he wants to fine. He doesn't let it interfere with our life together. He even really likes Harold. I was talking to one his friend's mom's who grew up in Virginia and how she's a confederate and doesn't believe it's at all wrong to fly the flag of confederacy at all and neither do I. Brian even has a big confederate flag he has that lays across the top of his truck seats when he's not in it. I'm perfectly ok with that because that's him, and NO I do NOT feel bad for my self.
Holy good God people forget all I said. I don't hate jewish people and have nothing against them. I wasn't taught that Nazi's were wrong. I love dead things to an extent like the fact that I have cow's eye balls in a glass jar sitting on my dresser and I make everyone die in all of my stories because I love creepy things but when it comes down to someone dieing that I knew my world comes crashing down. I do not wish death, torture, or cruelity on anybody and I'm really sorry this was all perseived wrongly. I guess I've just always really loved that daggar I have and when I was younger I never knew the general that carried it wished to kill thousands of innocent people. It's just like when a little kid sees a gun, they don't always understand the absolute harm it can do to somebody or something. Forgive me for my awful opinions and I shall keep these type things to myself next time, I tend to not think of other's feelings when I write in here a lot. I was just really excited to see these things in D.C. and wanted to share them with you
( ... )
It's ok Josh I know everyone was getting in the heat of the moment with me I guess. I love you too and have been thinking about you a lot lately. You should call me sometime when you're not working. *275-2501*
Comments 18
it's really too bad the nazi propaganda still exists and works today. if you want to respect something, respect that. (but at the same time, you have to respect how McDonalds has programmed its food into your head since you were a baby, and how Nike has kids waiting in line to buy 1000 dollar shoes. its the same thing.)
it's shit like this that makes me hate the country I live in. you can't have an opinion if you don't do any research. (the history channel does NOT count). I can't believe just because you were told something about a group of people, you believe it. or anything, for that matter.
I really don't know you all that well, I guess. but shit like this is disgusting. being "obessed with death" and spouting a bunch of nonsense doesn't make me hate you...but it's changing what I see.
Hitler also targeted Gays...
hitler genious? hardly. there was not one aspect of him that was "brilliant." he went after anyone who wasn't like him. he was an alright artist. that was about it. the nazis...also terrible. they were weak. they were brainwashed by hitler into killing 12 million people. including 6 million jews.
confederacy cool? i gotta disagree again. "the union doesn't believe in slavery. but we don't care! let's start our own government and begin a war!"
i feel bad for you.
i apologize.
i love you meghan.
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