Alright I need something to do there are enough of you that read this I hope that will want to hang out tommorow or something. I'm extremely bored......and have nothing to do.....I can pretty much get a ride anywhere......if I need me?
I have a new livejournal......
Make sure you comment on there so I add you to my friends list.......after I have everyone on it will be friends only......
And I have a new screename too......painhurtlies
Ya that self control thing.....I should try and work on that huh......and looooook 100% on cuddling!!!!!! I likey cuddles!....sounds kinda like it should be the downy bears name!
Okay go read previous entry from today and leav a comment on here or on there to let me know about tommorow......or just call me tonight or 2mmrow leaving for church at like 9:15 or so.