Title: Top of the Food Chain
Genre: L.J.Smith, Nightworld
Main Pair/Char: Kestrel
Beta'd: No
Rating: PG
Length: 100 words
Prompt: Ride/Drive,
(18/100) Posted at:
ljschallenge100Notes: From the scene in Daughters of Darkness where the sisters catch a ride with Todd and Vic. Kestrel's thoughts on the matter.
Top of the Food Chain )
Comments 5
That scene's always puzzled me. I assumed the boys tried to rape them, but it seems like it might have been something else I can't think of. Rowan said, "Jade's much too young for that" and Jade replied, "I'm not, but that's not what they meant." So, what do you think was going on there?
Perhaps Rowan thought they were only planning on kissing but Jade saw they wanted to go further? I even pondered possible beating, especially with that jump line. Down here in the south when you "jump" someone you kick their ass. I don't know what it means in Oregon though.
And you have to wonder how big their egos were for them to think that they could subdue three girls, even if they do think they're human.
"Jump" means assault here too but it meant sexual assault for my parents' generation, which I assume LJS belongs to.
And you have to wonder how big their egos were for them to think that they could subdue three girls, even if they do think they're human.
Even stranger. Guess we'll never though. YA fiction has changed a lot even over the course of the last ten years. Maybe LJS could do revised editions and spell out things she only hinted at before. I can dream, right? :D
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