In hope of picking this up again I'm posting the prompt table here. My character is Kestrel from the Night World series.
Mary-Lynette didn’t say it, but she wondered sometimes about Kestrel. If maybe, someday, Kestrel might need a bigger territory of her own. She was a lot like Jeremy in some ways.
Beautiful, ruthless, single-minded. A true Night Person.
- Daughters of Darkness, page 221.
ljschallenge100 Prompt Table - Started May 12, 20061:
Love 2:
Death 3:
Coming Of Age 4:
Pain 5:
Endings8: Beginnings9: Spells10: Family11: Magic12.Sunrise/Sunset13: Rebirth14:
Reflection16: Fight17:
Wedding18: Solstice19: Celebration/event20: Lost21: Power22: Journey23: Friendship24: Fairy Tale25: Night26: Elements27: Weather28: Fire29:
Dancing30: Forest31: Song/Music32: Royalty33: History/the past34:
Stars35: Loneliness36: Ecstasy37:
Anniversaries38: Grief39: Summer40: Winter41:
War42: Animals43: Children44: Getting Old45: Bones46: Pictures47:
Jobs/careers48: Childhood49: Games50: Partings51: Want52: Need53: Cry54: Trust55: Chocolate56: Good vs. Evil57:
Compassion58: Sleep59: Dream60: Eyes61: Obsession62: Passion63: Wicked64: Spirit65:
Rebel66: Sadness67: Hope68: Faith69: Home70: Courage71: Smile72: Crazy73: Lies74:
Angel75: Embarrassment76: Tradition77: Truth78: Anger79: Betrayal80: Light81: Dark82: Trees83:
Non-canon/AU85: Crossover86: Author's Choice87: Author's Choice88: Author's Choice89: Author's Choice90: Author's Choice91: Author's Choice92: Author's Choice93: Author's Choice94: Author's Choice95: Author's Choice96: Author's Choice97: Author's Choice98: Author's Choice99: Author's Choice100: Author's Choice