Title: Compassion
Genre: L.J.Smith, Nightworld
Main Pair/Char: Kestrel
Beta'd: No
Rating: PG
Length: 100 words
Prompt: Compassion,
(19/100) Posted at:
ljschallenge100Notes: Another moment from the book, rest of the note in cut for spoilers. Let's just say Kestrel's compassion is not like other's.
Note: Takes place when the gang finds the goat that was killed and had toothpicks and little wooden stakes stuck in it's body.
“She’s dead.” Kestrel told her, confused at everyone’s behavior.
“You can’t hurt her.” Kestrel went on at Mary-Lynette’s hesitation.
Why was Jade sobbing? It was just a goat. It was killed before the torture. Didn’t they realize it could’ve been much worse?
Rowan suggested taking the stakes out.
Why? Do they want to know how much pain that could’ve been? Did they really want to think that through?
Kestrel didn’t have a choice. She could think of much more horrible things.
“The hide’s ruined already.” Kestrel stalled.
“Kestrel, shut up!”
She did.
But she had just been trying to help.