If you can read this, even if we do not speak often, comment with one memory of me. It can be anything you want, good or bad, just as long as it happened. Then, post this in your LiveJournal to see what others remember about you
If there's someone (or more than one someone) on your friends list that you'd love to have hot, sweaty, heart-exploding, cataclysm causing sex with that would make the gods jealous and epic sagas would be written about it for years to come, then write this exact sentence in your journal.
Ah, I love following the leader...half the time, anyway. >:
Why do the stores around here don't have a sign that says " imit 3 per customer" or another reasonable number, particularly when things are being sold during a crisis?? What is up with that- where the stores only care about profit?
This was brought up in an earlier post. I was just wondering if its only around here in killeen that they don't have