My heart rate increased as I watched the video. Sort of like listening to Bolero, although not in a good way. (And you really need to watch the video for the full effect.)
The drumbeats for war continue ...
Comments 4
Do they know how un-christian they sound? I guess what I mean is this is not representative of Christ as I understand him.
"Yeah, Christ is a man of peace, but just wait until he comes home.. nyah nyah nyah.." like children talking about "just wait until Daddy gets home, you're gonna be in big trouble".
Then there was the one guy who said something like "The one who forces a peace treaty between the Ireals and the Arabs is the Beast." AGGHHHH. And the quiet, seemingly rational way this idiocy is put forth is terrifying.
True believers, but not as much on the fringe anymore as most people would like to think. It reminds me of various cults (ie Heaven's Gate, Moonies, etc).
Inreasing heart rate, check. Sweaty palms, check.
Jeebus! I'd rather handle poisonous snakes while tripping on acid than have to deal much with people like that....
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