Title: Beyond (my beliefs and everything else) Pairing: AJ/Hoon Rating: PG-13 Lenght: Chaptered ( prologue ), 217 words Summary: He taught me to see beyond...
Woah woah woah... haha, AJ/HOON... good luck with your fic~! ha! looks like your the second writer who paired up JaeHoon..^^ i'll be waiting for this. :D oh, can i add you as my friend?^^ gonna add you now, ^^
Comments 4
oh, can i add you as my friend?^^
gonna add you now, ^^
Yeah I know this is not the most popular pairing out there but I still kind of ship them together ^___^
I'll be glad to friend you back~
Expect an update by the end of the week <3
I'm going to friend you because you happen to be awesome~ and this was a brilliant beginning~
I'm glad you think this is a nice start ^^ Friending you back ~
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