.: Doctor Who :.
The Care and Feeding of Tiny Humans (and Slightly Larger Time Lords) |
netgirl_y2k [Gen, PG, 1.141 words]
Summary: The Doctor stepped out of his stupendous new TARDIS and saw Amelia Pond curled up asleep on a suitcase. Well, he’d been alone for a long time now and he’d always liked humans, especially the small ones. Anyway she already knew all the rules, and you never know when having a companion little enough to fit inside a suitcase will come in handy.
Review Note: (Have I seriously not recced this before? Search says no.) Brilliant and wonderful!
.: Due South :.
In Which there are Turtles |
etcetera_cat [Fraser/RayK, PG-13, 7.896 words]
Excerpt: "Yes, well." The old man clears his throat and puts his mug down on the floor. "Introductions on my part would not go amiss. Robert Fraser, formerly of the RCMP. I already know who you are." Ray blinks and tries to arrange the events of this dream into some kind of sense. It takes several attempts, but he finally comes up with snow + tea + long words + RCMP = Fraser's dad. Which still doesn't make that much sense, but it's all Ray's got (apart from his boxers, the blanket and the tea).
Review Note: Bob Fraser grows a bit impatient with his son's (non)methods of courting Ray and tries to speed things along. Poor Ray is spending a great deal of time sleep deprived from chasing after illegal turtle smugglers, is trying to deal with Fraser during waking hours and Fraser Sr. when he's sleeping, and it's all quite hilarious.
.: Hawaii Five-O :.
Both Sides of the Rainbow |
ariadnes_string [Gen, PG-13, 4.400 words]
Summary: “Seriously?” Kono couldn’t tell whether blood loss was making her loopy, or whether things really had gotten that absurd. “Are they seriously arguing about who’s going to rescue me like I’m some kind of Disney princess?”
Review Note: A great Kono-centric gen fic.
koʻele wāwae |
siria [Gen, PG, 1.000 words]
Summary: Kono, standing.
Review Note: A wonderful Kono character piece. I need to find more gen Kono stories. Anyone?
High, High, Very High |
siria [Steve/Danny, R, 20.805 words]
Summary: In which nothing turns out like Danny expects, but pretty much exactly like he wants.
Review Note: I really enjoyed reading it! I'm not sure what constitutes a case fic sometimes, so I'm not sure whether to categorize this as one or not, but the case is a big part of it. Danny's POV is fantastic and he and Kono working together are a riot. Meanwhile Steve is stuck on medical leave (as cleverly ensured by both Danny and the Governor - they totally have his number some days) and babysitting Gracie. Gracie, of course, knows Steve is a huge pushover and there aren't many little girls that won't take complete advantage of that situation!
.: Inception :.
Origin Stories |
laceymcbain [Arthur/Eames, PG-13, 3.402 words]
Summary: The story of how Eames and Arthur meet is one of the great legends of the dream-sharing profession. In it, there's a dark alley, a foreign country, a bar, a punch in the face, a loaded die, a poker chip, a three-piece suit, and a kiss. Not necessarily in that order. And not necessarily all the time.
Review Note: Everyone has a different story, even if some of them are - more or less - the same story and it's definitely entertaining.
In Duty Homeward Shall We Fly |
toomuchplor [Arthur/Eames, PG-13, 4.184 words]
Summary: "Arthur had been on this planet for nearly fourteen years now and everyone still insisted on treating him like a child."
Review Note: New INCEPTION/3RD ROCK FROM THE SUN fic! ♥ ♥
.: Merlin :.
Timshel |
ems [Arthur/Merlin, PG-13, 34.435 words]
Summary: Merlin is definitely supposed to work for Arthur, but spends most of his time mocking Arthur's dress sense, berating him via IM with Morgana, sending Gwen capslock-filled emails about him and, most of all, trying not to fall in love with the shiny-shoed ponce. Arthur, meanwhile, is definitely supposed to be taking over his father's company some day, but instead spends most of his time scowling at Merlin, making lists about him, trying to find excuses to fire him and, most of all, trying to pretend he is totally not head-over-heels for the jumped up little upstart. Someone's got to make some difficult choices eventually, and this can only lead to one thing: angst. Or hilarity. Or, embarrassingly enough, self-discovery.
Review Note: A not-atypical-for-the-fandom modern romance with lots of entertaining banter and Arthur the Good Son angst. Fun and sweet. :)
.: Sherlock Holmes :.
The Heart and Other Fleshy Organs |
stickstockstone [Holmes/Watson, PG-13, 4.198 words]
Summary: He rolled the jar between his palms, watching his heart flop around the inside of the jar, leaving red smudges along the glass. It still hurt, but at the moment it was layered with disdain that any part of him should be so mercurial. But that faded. And when the jar holding his heart finally floated out of sight, he felt nothing at all.
Review Note: A brilliant magical realist story. I would love for the author to de-anon so it can be posted in single post format, but it's wonderful enough to deal with the anon meme format. The author has de-anonned and was kind enough to let me know! (This makes me very happy.) I've updated the link. <3
The Autumn Moon is Bright |
barrowjane [Holmes/Watson, R, 24.487 words]
Summary: John has two secrets he keeps from Sherlock - he manages this, he thinks, only because Sherlock would find the idea that John is attracted to him just as unlikely as the idea of John being a werewolf. He's not sure what it says about his life, that love and lycanthropy are considered equally impossible events.
Review Note: John does seem to fit the werewolf trope rather well, doesn't he? Granted, it's a bit of a bulletproof kink of mine, but I thought this story handled it quite well and it was a great read.
Lines and Squares |
emungere [Gen, PG, 1.405 words]
Summary: Takes place (very) roughly 10 - 15 years before the series starts, probably just before Lestrade gets promoted to DI.
Review Note: Mycroft brings Lestrade to a warehouse for a conversation. It doesn't go *entirely* as Mycroft expects. (aka a "Lestrade is Awesome" fic.)
A City on the Head of a Pin |
mad_maudlin [Holmes/Watson, PG-13, 5.041 words]
Summary: Post-TGG fic. John, for once, sees something Sherlock doesn't.
Review Note: As I think Pru said, "Weird. Good weird, but definitely weird." After TGG, John wakes up and begins to see wings on people who have no idea they have them.
A Brief Account of a Life with Zombies |
Silver Pard [Gen, PG-13, 2.747 words]
Summary: Sherlock thinks it's all a bit of a nuisance, John is having the time of his life, and Mycroft is Not Impressed. With anything, but mostly his minions' inability to provide a good cup of tea.
Review Note: I honestly cannot rec this one enough. SO SO FUNNY. READ IT.
Snowpocalypse |
marill_chan [Gen, PG-13, 1.150 words]
Summary: London becomes a disaster zone. John, obviously, would try to help, and would probably get Sherlock to help too. John can lend his skills as a medic, but what can Sherlock help with?
Review Note:The PSA is priceless.
Not Your Average Threesome Series: John/Lestrade + Sherlock |
thirdbird [Watson/Lestrade, R, 22.737 words]
Summary: Your basic story of two men struggling to hook up while a sociopathic consulting detective dogs their every move.
Review Note: This is an unutterably BRILLIANT series of 3 fics that I absolutely adore. Do NOT let the John/Lestrade put you off, even if you don't normally read the pairing! (Currently: On Lestrade's Flawed Heart, Triangulations, and The Adventure of the Dying Detective Inspector) <3
Tamora Pierce's Tortall/Sherlock Holmes Fic | Anon [Holmes/Watson, PG, 10.319 words]
Summary: There are a few things people aren't really supposed to do, but do anyway. One of these involves Beltane. Well, a lot of them involve Beltane (because come on, it's Beltane), but it's generally considered a good rule to stick with your chosen partner, because the realms are dangerously close together that night and you never know who might come out to play. Nobody really bothered to remind people after age ten, though, so it makes sense that if someone was to stumble into a courtyard on a particularly warm Beltane and spot an ethereal woman and think hey, maybe she'd want to drink with me, it'd be an already-drunk amnesiac from Tyra. Oddly enough, she smiled and went to him without him even having to ask. After all, he was everything she loved best in the world - intelligent, lost, and wrong in the head.
Review Note: I've not read the Tortall books and I not only had no problem following the plot, I *loved* it. Author does a fabulous job.
The Elephant in the Room |
kantayra [Holmes/Watson, PG-13, 4.725 words]
Summary: John is in love with Sherlock. He just isn't physically attracted to him. Fortunately, in Sherlock's world, that combination is ideal.
Review Note: Really, John, you're over complicating things. :P
Hound |
livia_carica [Gen, PG]
Review Note: Gorgeously executed art for The Hound of the Baskervilles by way of the BBC 2010 version of Sherlock Holmes.
.: Smallville :.
Ice |
Merry [Clark/Lex, R, 8.354 words]
Summary: Night was coming on -- not that it made much difference inside the car. Snow had already blanketed all the windows. For a while there had been a surreal blue glow from the dash and a static purr from KLRX, but he couldn't even remember when those had faded. Sound and light had given way to silence and dark. Snow-silence, blocking out everything, even the howl of the wind. In his lucid moments, Lex understood he was buried very deep.
Review Note: Classic Smallville Clex story. *luffs*
.: Star Trek (AOS) :.
Once Shot, Twice Shy |
caitri [Kirk/McCoy, R, 7.072 words]
Summary: Bones said his wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce. That turns out to mean a whole lot more than Jim Kirk ever expected.
Review Note: A bit silly and very fun!
Shut Your Eyes |
jouissant [Kirk/Spock, PG-13, 5.500 words]
Summary: Spock is 12 years old. He's been 12 for over 200 years, and he just moved in next door.
Review Note: The Låt den rätte komma in (Let the Right One In) AU with intriguing tweaks to the original storyline. I'd actually love to see more of this.
Paid |
medie [Gen, PG, 726 words]
Summary: They say there's a ghost in everyone's house, and if you can make peace with him, he will stay quiet. (Graham Greene)
Review Note: A brief and lovely Gaila character piece.
.: Star Wars :.
Inversion |
Lisse [Gen, PG-13, 1.250 words]
Summary: Bail wanted a son, so the Lars family got a daughter.
Review Note: The author says it's crack, but I honestly didn't get that from the scenes - not more than the movies, anyway. Composed of a series of scenes from Star Wars, uh, IV, V, and VI (is that how it's written?) if it were Leia in the lead role.
.: Stargate SG-1/White Collar :.
What's in a Name |
tallulah_rasa [Gen, PG, 1.551 words]
Summary: Hardly anyone knows where Mozzie’s from, or what his real name is, or that he once developed a show for cable TV. A few people do.
Review Note: Mozzie and Marty aren't such terribly different characters and this works. SG-1 comes calling with a request. :)
.: Supernatural :.
Old Gods |
libraryofsol [Sam/Gabriel, PG-13, 1.229 words]
Summary: "Sam Winchester, I look away for five minutes and you're getting yourself sacrificed to a forest god."
Review Note: I wish it were longer - I can't get enough of a well done, Gabriel-as-Pagan-God story.
Abe Verse Master Post (WiP) |
ameonna1_writes [Dean/Castiel, Sam/Gabriel, PG-13, 10.000+ words]
Review Note: Shocking statement of the day: This is a *good* Dean/Cas, Sam/Gabriel, fledgling series. It's an AU (which is probably why it works so well), but the deviations in the characters canon circumstances is fascinating and I can't wait to read more. The first two (Aerie and Flock) are posted, the third (Mate) has a posted schedule and will start going up on Feb. 14th. Each fic is 5,000 words, comprised of 10 parts of 500 words each. (With internal links! Win!)
Dosimetry |
tripoli8 [Gen, PG-13]
Summary: I had a really clear mental image of Sam screeching up to an abandoned gas station in the middle of nowhere, terrified he's finally caught up with the shifter only to find his brother mauled or worse, and instead coming upon Dean lounging on the hood of the Impala with a beer while the shifter is screaming and puking his way through a mental breakdown out back, and Dean being like, eh, fuck it, I warned him.
Review Note: Art is inspired by A Softer World and it's a brilliant mental image. *evil grin*
Darker Pieces of the Night |
zuben_fic [J2, NC-17, 16.488 words]
Summary: Even in a world where extraordinary mutations are increasingly common, being born with wings makes it difficult to lead anything like an ordinary life. Jared is a solitary semi-superhero who makes a rescue one night that puts him in danger with only the man he rescued to guide him through it.
Review Note: Can if be a Harlequin type romance if it's fanfic and one of the protagonists has wings? Sweet and uncomplicated, really.
.: Torchwood :.
Ghost Story |
mad_maudlin [Jack/Ianto, PG-13, 70.423 words]
Summary: I called out. "Would you like to hear a ghost story?" For a moment Jack didn't move, and I knew he'd recognized my voice. After a moment he said, flatly, "I don't believe in ghosts." "It's a complicated story," I admitted, and pulled the watch from my pocket by the chain. "And it starts with 'Long ago and far away.'"
Review Note: A CoE fixit that doesn't take any easy way outs. We enter the story when Jack is a child and follow a long chain of events clear up until the time frame of CoE. Fantastic.
Silver-Studded Blue |
mclachland [Jack/Ianto, PG, 2.385 words]
Summary: If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies. And the Twenty-First Century is when everything changes.
Review Note: Ianto has saved more than a cyberman in his lifetime.
.: Yuletide :.
The Cape as Red as Blood |
thefourthvine [Gen?, PG-13, 13.014 words]
Summary: The Old One Passes - Hyacinth awakened and knew immediately that her reign was ending. The signs had been there for days -- her dwindling appetite, the way she could no longer feel the imbalance of the land with every breath, the moments of total silence in her mind -- but she'd hoped to have a little longer. That hope, like so many of her reign, would not be fulfilled.
Review Note: My favorite fic from Yuletide! Based on an Evanescence music video, this takes a concept only hinted at and runs with it.
.: X-Files :.
X-Files Picspam |
xfirefly9x Review Note: Mostly Mulder and Scully with some Doggett and Reyes
.: Multi Fandom - H5O, DW, LVG, SPN, SGA, HL :.
Escapade Con Art: Hawaii Five-O, Doctor Who, Leverage, Supernatural, Stargate Atlantis, Highlander |
pentapus [Various Pairings, PG]
Review Note: You could read pairings into it or not, I suppose, so I just marked it gen. Upon review, I totally lied about that - various pairings it is!
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