I've got toys. Nikon hasn't changed its lens mounts since the dawn of time, which means you can find old lenses dating back to Columbus's voyage bouncing around out there
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So I was driving from Minneapolis MN to Duluth MN after visiting some friends and stopping by corporate HQ to bs with some colleagues... and there's a car going the wrong way on the freeway. I nearly hit him. That probably would have been a problem at 80 mph.
It seems alright to me. It's definitely jacket weather, but weather like this is good for a brisk walk. Go up to northern Minnesota some time in February if you want to know what cold is
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I'll have some yosemite photos uploaded, probably later on this week. I took a trip out there a few weeks ago but haven't sorted through the pics yet. What can I say... I've been busy.
Here's something I just discovered. Any sci-fi buffs out there will have seen Alien. Remember Ash, the "goddamned robot" science officer? That's the same actor who played Bilbo in the LOTR movies. Ian Holm.