Title: Rose (inspired by LeeHi - Rose)
Length: Chaptered Fic
Pairing: YunJae
Genre: angst-y, drama, romance, trying to squeeze some humor in it
Rating: for this chapter PG :3
Warning: no warning in this chapter.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything besides the plot.
Summary: Kim Jaejoong, once loved by everyone and admired for his beautiful appearance
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Comments 21
This chapter is also dedicated to my dear friend asdfghjklhynne You need to cheer up giirl! :))
awww thank you dear :3
anyw, i'm glad jaejoong got a new schoolwith no bullies around. and with the yoosu too :3 i wonder where changmin went XD
So he already new two people- Duckbutt-sshi and Forehead-sshi- he knew that the nicknames he gave them were not appropriate and were kind of rude but he couldn't remember their names because he was still nervous and scared.
lol duckbutt-sshi and forehead-sshi are cute names X3 and the yoosu moment sdfghjfghjk!!! :3
awwww yunjae finally meet! i've been waiting for this for so loooong~~ XD lol i'm really not singing crazy love in here, no pun intended XD
and awwwww, they're really eager in helping jaejoong get out of his traumatic experiences :3
this chapter made me happy, swear :D update soon and ace your exams XD
Well let me give you a hint. Changmin is younger than the others right? Now what did I write about the first year students???? :)))
As I alrdy said on twitter. Duckbutt and Forehead are officially names ! Hahaha
I'm so happy that it made you happy ! :D
That's why I dedicated it to you *.*
Yes I will try to update as soon as I'm finished with my exams >.<
Thank you for leaving a comment honey<3
okayy, i'll shut up with my curiousity XDD
I am happy Jaejoong can has friends in his new school. I think now his school was different with previous school. Can't wait for your next post :D
I had my exams and I still have them so yeeah... I was busy studying v.v'
Thank you for reading and commenting!
I will try to update as soon as possible >.<'
I'm glad that despite Jae's reactions, the trio are adamant in befriending him. It will take time but I'm sure that they can break through those walls(thorns) and free Jae of his past.
Yes it will be hard but they won't give up ò.ó
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Well they are not really friends yet ^^' but they are trying hard to become friends with Jae :3
He will show up soon~ hehe
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poor susu got pushed off twice by jae...lol
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