Title: Rose (inspired by LeeHi - Rose)
Length: Chaptered Fic
Pairing: YunJae
Genre: angst-y, drama, romance, trying to squeeze some humor in it
Rating: for this chapter PG :3
Warning: no warning in this chapter.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything besides the plot.
Summary: Kim Jaejoong, once loved by everyone and admired for his beautiful appearance
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Comments 21
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Duckbutt-shii and Forehead-shii, i love those nicknames, it's too cute and very fitting of the two ^^
They don't know what happened to Jae, but I'm glad they're understanding of why he pushes them away when they touch him and they seem like they really want to help him. I hope Jae can learn to trust them too, it's totally hard breaking that he has to endure everything on his own, but of course Yoosu and Yunho to the rescue......and Changmin if he makes an appearance ^^
It's only been 3 chapters, but I think I'm addicted......I blame you~~~ :3
Good luck with the rest of your exams, I'm positive you'll do great, just study hard and do your best. hwaiting! <3
Update soon.....if possible >__
And eehmm sorry?^^' haha
Well Changminnie will of course make an appearance too :)
Just wait for the next chapter xD haha
I'm so happy that you like the fic so muuch !
After my exams I will try to really update it faster so that you guys won't have to wait that long :))
Thank you for leaving a comment dear <3
yayyyy for Jae and Yunho's love child, Changminnie making an appearance soon >___< kekeke
I love your fic so far!! ^^ It's totally different from what I've read before, I was getting tired of reading the same kind of fics :P
I was worried that Junsu would misunderstand Jae after he was pushed away twice. But I'm glad the 3 of them understand, since they seem to have a past of their own.
I'll be waiting for your update, but take your time studying (: I don't want to be the one to blame if you couldn't study as much as you wanted ;PPPP
And the story is really a sad one...
but now appeared Yunho, Yuchun & Junsu and things will get better (I hope).
I also hope Changmin will appear soon in the story <3 That food monster LOL
Anyways the plot is interesting so far so I'm really enjoying it!
Thanks for shearing and working hard on this story!
I can't wait until I find time again to write *.* I really want to write the scene where Changmin appears :DD
Thank you for reading and leaving a comment :) I really appreciate it ! ^^
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