Everyone talks about that adult moment when your friends get married and have babies. Today is that day I realized that my friend are engaged, moved in together, pregnant, getting married, or trying to have babies. All of which is a little crazy and far out in my single solo IUD world.
Issue # 3, what do you do when you know you are just suppose to be friends, and not lovers, with the person you just went on a date with??!!?1
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I have an awesome new apt. Moving weekends Trips to Ikea. Spring is in the air. Any new music suggestions to throw at me? I'd appreciate it The XX is amazing. (It took a listen or two for me to love them.)
I have had bad, bad bad luck with picking out wines lately.. like really awful. Going off the label, and alcohol content doesn't always work
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you know your an adult when: you have to go to work when it's still snowing... big flakes outside... and you have to walk down a BIG hill to catch a bus, which may or may not be running...