Anyone else notice those strange full-page megalomaniacal pseudoreligious screeds that have appeared in The Stranger (weekly Seattle alt rag) lately
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Dropping over from SG to check out another satin bowerbird fan - wow, this is bizarre. I'd noticed that ad, thought The Stranger was chuckling to itself while letting, oh, maybe some David Icke lunatics pay for a very expensive rant. But this puts a different spin on things. I've eaten stuff from this guy's company, myself, and now I'm thinking... erk. Uh. That's, um, unsettling.
Thanks for dropping in! I was fortunate enough to see some bowerbirds while in Australia last fall, at the unbelievably birdy and beautiful Lamington National Park. Have you been? They were adorable. At the crack of dawn there was one puttering around our tent singing his rather nerdy song. I have been very slow about posting my pictures but I hope to post some bowerbirds very soon, satin and regent. We even saw some bowers and some courtship going on. Do please check back here or add me if you are interested in the pics.... Also kind of cool in Australia were all the varieties of not-crows, birds that look like corvids but aren't, like currawongs, Australian Magpies, and choughs (not like the corvid ones in Europe).
Yeah, the Jeff Fairhall thing is a bit unsettling.
I had to go look up David Icke after your post--looks like I've seen it before. Strange. Icky.
i have seen those pages and figured it was rambling nonsense. i have started to read them and because they make no sense i only would get a few sentences into it. i would have never guessed that there might be a real point to it. or i assumed it was a bizarre ad where you had to find the point in which case i'm not that interested to look.
That was pretty much my reaction to them in the past, too. Then I attended an art auction in the old Trolleyman space in Fremont, where he has his talks (and of course he owns that building now) and someone in the natural foods industry told me about him and his ads. Before that I paid little attention to the ads. This week in the stranger someone wrote a letter to the editor asking about him and the stranger responded with his URL, Neither the Stranger nor the letter writer mentioned his company.
Comments 8
Gotta wonder what sort of advertisement they'd turn down.
Yeah, the Jeff Fairhall thing is a bit unsettling.
I had to go look up David Icke after your post--looks like I've seen it before. Strange. Icky.
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