All of the SWS dates are according to when I joined the post, if the original post isn't mine. Many of the FV dates are the same, where I remembered to write dates in (many are undated and need to be fixed). Starting with the FV post on October 30, everything should be dated according to the date the post itself was made (this will make posts easier to locate on DreamWidth).
July 20, 2010
[Wishing he had is own TARDIS.]With
doctors_plus_1[Donna, ??, Rose]
[Cheerfully reciting the World's worst haiku.]With
July 21, 2010
[Unhappily examining his very first zit.][No responses]
You're not fooling anyone, you know.Response to
nobillionbounty's post
July 22, 2010
You say stealing; I say borrowing.Response to
littlestkaiba's post
[Yu-Gi-Oh character? No responses]
I could do with a drink.Dropped into thread between
withpockets and
havinhoops[Donna and Gene Hunt]
July 23, 2010
[Giggling; tripping over his own feet.]
With doctor_three, lone_defender, ashopgirl, 11th_timelord
[Third Doctor, Rose, Rose again, Eleventh Doctor]
August 28, 2010
Really, do not touch the bump.Response to
nothing_of_note's post, with
genius_mind[???, Owen]
*Taps his fingers to the drums*Response to
ofdrumsthesound's post
Shouldn't really be consorting with humanity.Response to
defystereotype's post
[OC: William Jacobs]
August 29, 2010
[Dangling upside-down, foot in a trap]
With ofdrumsthesound, knightatheart, slyheiress, doctorspet, lone_defender, and sakurasblood
[Ghost!Master, ??, ??, Martha, Rose, ??]
September 9, 2010
[Eating jam straight from the jar]With
backup_brother, and
earth_defender[Rose, AU!Master, Ghost!Master, Rose, ??, Lily Potter?, ??, Rose again]
September 12, 2010
No hard-on for the Master, thanks.Response to
ninth_doctor's post
[Ninth Doctor]
OOC threadOn
ninth_doctor's post, but with
handyhandyhand[OOC thread with another Handy; all subject lines and icons]
What'd I just say? No touching.Response to
madasaballoon's post
September 13, 2010
Put that down. I mean now.Response to
captain_flyboy's post
September 20, 2010
*zomg THERE'S AN EXPLOSION!*Response to
handy_sparehand's post
Full moon's Thursday. Already getting antsy.Response to
canarywharfyan's post
September 21, 2010
[Temporarily blinded by experiment gone wrong.]With
noblexcompanion, and
lord_andmaster[Eleventh Doctor, Ghost!Master, Donna, AU!Master]
[Blind; trying to find the tea.]With
September 28, 2010
Think it's time for a drink.Response to
wentbackto1973's post
[Sam Tyler]
October 2, 2010
Number nine was ugly and grumpy.Response to
ofdrumsthesound's post
October 3, 2010
Please, sit. Would you like tea?Response to
verybritish's post.
[Adelle DeWitt]
*Sitting patiently, eying your breakfast sandwich.*Response to
callmonday's post
[OC: Callisto Monday Sedillo]
Oh my God. I'm--I'm pregnant.Response to
doctorspet's post.
October 4, 2010
[Out on patrol, looking for trouble.]Response to
just_got_real's post
[Nick Angel]
October 6, 2010
At least my sight's coming back.With
October 8, 2010
Sorry, what're you going on about?Response to
stachelessjohn's post
[John Watson (BBC Sherlock)]
Money? Never really saw the need.With
xrose_badwolfx, and
[??, AU!Rose, Janie]
October 9, 2010
[Forced into clinic duty by Cuddy]Response to
vicodin_nscotch's post
[Dr. House]
October 10, 2010
Hate my True Name. A lot.Response to
fritz4now's post
[OC: Fritz]
October 14, 2010
*fiddling with something on his computer*Response to
i_amironman's post
[Tony Stark; no replies]
October 16, 2010
Homeless shelter kicked me out again.With
xrose_badwolfx[Blond!Master, OC: Callisto, Tenth Doctor, Donna, AU!Koschei, Jack, AU!Rose]
October 18, 2010
*locked in a room with you*Response to
persuasionpowr's post
[Heroes: Eden McCain]
October 17, 2010
[Smile! He's taking your picture now.]Response to
transcendsdeath's post
[??, no replies]
October 19, 2010
[Running, loud alarms sounding behind him.]With
cjharknesstw[Rose, Jack]
A suggestion: don't leave the country.Response to
adamseden's post
"I'm blind" doesn't mean "I'm helpless."Response to
1stmetalbender's post
Too any of us wanderin' around.Response to
oncomin_storm's post
[Ninth Doctor]
Oh, you're in for it now.Response to
roxyweasley's post
[??, no replies]
October 22, 2010
*is running down the street.* Stop!Response to
tenthdoc's post
[Tenth Doctor]
October 23, 2010
*is holding some mistletoe.* Free kisses!Response to
cjharknesstw's post
October 31, 2010
*Handing out candy.* Welcome, young ones.Response to
traken_master's post
[Traken!Master (B)]
November 11, 2010
[Annoyed.] I meant to do that.With
riversings[AU!Koschei, Rose, River (never replied to River)]
November 12, 2010
I told you to stay still!Response to
lexi_pedia's post
[??; no replies]
[In the process of being arrested.]With
[??, Rose, Sam Tyler, Traken!Master (B), River Song, Gene Hunt, ??, Sam Tyler again]
November 13, 2010
I told you, I'm perfectly fine!With
November 14, 2010
I don't need your help anyway!With
lone_defender[Topher, AU!Rose, AU!Master?, Rose]
Stealth mode! [Hides behind a bush.]Response to
totesvisioning's entry
[Shawn from Psych]
Don't mind him. He's just....watching.Response to
consulting_det's post
[BBC Sherlock]
November 16, 2010
Alright! Who would like a cookie?Response to
goshimchipper's post.
[Principal, BtVS]
Wibbly Wobbly stuff, it makes sense.Response to
fun_intentions's post.
[Tenth Doctor]
Akin to keeping an ant farm.Response to
hypnotizing's post.
[Young Koschei; no replies]
November 21, 2010
[Breaking and entering for a case.]Book-like response to
notapsychopath's post.
[BBC Sherlock; no replies]
November 22, 2010
In layman's terms, they're all idiots.Response to
lusus_scientiae's post.
[BBC Sherlock]
Welcome onboard the Lexx. I'm Xev.Response to
loveslavegirl's post.
[Xev Bellringer]
November 23, 2010
[sighs] Oh for crying out loud...Response to
gategolfer's post.
[Colonel Jack O'Neil]
[At a movie; eating abandoned popcorn.]With
November 24, 2010
[Mystery popcorn gave him food poisoning.]
With lone_defender, handyhandyhand, xrose_badwolfx
[Rose, Handy, AU!Rose]
November 25, 2010
I was right--you are tasty!Response to
ofdrumsthesound's post.
November 26, 2010
Minor torture makes a happy Master.Response to
lord_andmaster's post.
Rather a mess to clean up.Response to
fixeselections's post.
[BBC Mycroft; thread 1/3]
November 27, 2010
[Nursing a cut on his face.]With
fixeselections[Rose, Tenth Doctor, BBC Mycroft (thread 2/3)]
November 30, 2010
[Attempting to flee London by train.]With
[BBC Mycroft; thread 3/3]
[Trips over his own feet, falls.]Response to
lord_andmaster's post.
December 8, 2010
Naughty, naughty, naughty...Response to
in_the_clause's post.
[Scott Calvin/Santa Claus; no replies]
December 25, 2010
I love a good Christmas. [grins]Response to
fishycustard's post.
[Eleventh Doctor]
January 7, 2011
[picked the lock to your office...]Response to
loistheintrepid's post.
[Lois Lane]
January 8, 2011
He looks like that Aladdin monkey.Response to
oh_spoilers's post.
[River Song]
January 9, 2011
Oh come on! That's not a...Response to
abitbison's post.
[Topher Brink]
January 11, 2011
*watching snow* I hate this planet.Response to
zimisnormal's post.
Doctor, where's your TARDIS?Response to
jacobi_master's post.
June 21, 2011
[Fell asleep in a public place.]With
his_cafe[AU!Rose, Jack Harkness, Jeannie, Future!Master]
June 23, 2011
I don't know what you want......Response to
fritz4now's post.
[OC: Fritz]
June 23, 2011
[he can hear what you're thinking...]Response to
ihearyouthink's post.
[First Class!Xavier]
June 27, 2011
There's a Time Lord in Tesco's.Response to
his_cafe's post.
[At outdoor cafe, scavenging unfinished food.]With
vindex_terrae[Sam Tyler, AU!Rose, Jean Gray, Amy Pond, AU!Master]
July 3, 2011
People don't like talking to fire......Response to
fritz4now's post.
[OC: Fritz]
July 7, 2011
How did you even manage this?Response to
heart_masseuse's post.
[Sirens: Stuart Bayldon]
Can't go back and save them.Response to
ears_n_leather's post.
[Ninth Doctor]
July 24, 2011
Get your skinny ass back here.Response to
jackcaptainjack's post.
[Jack Harkness]
August 5, 2011
[Seemingly not paying attention to you.]Response to
game_ison's post.
August 14, 2011
Well of course I'm a Roman.Response to
expandordie's post.
August 23, 2011
You really don't wanna do that.Response to
captain_broody's post.
[Angel; no replies]
August 25, 2011
[Recovering. Identity crisis still unresolved. Lonely.]Response to
fifthandroid's post.
[Fivebot (K)]
August 30, 2011
[Shabby man loitering near your workplace.]
With apaisleygirl, riverborntorun.
[Amy Pond, River Song]
September 11, 2011
That's...that's really not very good.Response to
thatsveryhim's post.
It'll be easy. Just say it.Response to
betterthansonic's post.
[Mister Master]
September 12, 2011
Uh, excuse me? That's my coffee.Response to
dighted's post.
[OC: Cate Hayward]
[Upside-down in a rope trap. Again.]With
lone_defender[OC: Lily Pond, Madame Vastra, Donna Noble, Yzma, Rose, Rose again]
December 5, 2011
Rassilon's knickers, please not this again!With
[Ghost!Master; meta]
January 10, 2012
How the fuck should I know?Response to
sensetohide's post
[Peter Vincent (Krissy)]
Excuse me. What are you doing?Response to
viascience's post.
[Dana Scully]
January 11, 2012
Hands OFF the diary, thankyou!Response to
riverborntorun's post
[River Song]
January 16, 2012
How paralysingly dull, boring and tedious!Response to
onewiththescarf's post.
[Fourth Doctor]