Title: Smile Pairing: Ed/Winry Rating: PG Word count: 186 Series: Brotherhood, no spoilers. Summary: Their first two kisses A/N: A birthday gift for flybourne , love you always <3
also, god I am hating on Geoff so much right now. He is the only one to give me assigments I have to work on whilst being sick :( I dont want to go to school tommorowwww~
my hate for him is gone for now. He gave me an extra day to do the essay- :D
I was being anti-social today, with all the work I have to do, so I hardly saw people. I was super tempted to go check out if we have creative writing class, but I had to resist and get the damn essay done >:( And rachel, jaquie and the crew went to civic afterwards to play pool, and I had to resist that too :(((
....and my freakn' essay is still not finished. fml, I need a hug :(
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also, god I am hating on Geoff so much right now. He is the only one to give me assigments I have to work on whilst being sick :( I dont want to go to school tommorowwww~
sorry, I'm whining. And procasinating.
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I was being anti-social today, with all the work I have to do, so I hardly saw people. I was super tempted to go check out if we have creative writing class, but I had to resist and get the damn essay done >:( And rachel, jaquie and the crew went to civic afterwards to play pool, and I had to resist that too :(((
....and my freakn' essay is still not finished. fml, I need a hug :(
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