i got in a car accident. mike driving, jess in the passengers seat, and celli, my brother and me in the back. i feel so weak and so tired. that's it sea monkeys. :]
i took some food for that cat that lives by the portables. i'm sure timona won't mind sharing. and i tried lo0king for the mama but i didn't find it. :[
picture day hoy!
damn it i want first lunch.
i'm done updating fuck livejournal i never know what to write
i joined so much clubs haha. for no reason. oh well
first, FBLA..geraldine please join this year again!! second, SEGA third, spanish club fourth, thespians..why? i don't know. charles made me..jk he was just begging too much so i joined teeeheeee!
hopefully some of you joined the same clubs....?? lol