IAmTehTupperware: my life is so odd IAmTehTupperware: odd IAmTehTupperware: odd reminds me eggs IAmTehTupperware: ... imasexygranny2: odd dosnt remind me off eggs IAmTehTupperware: poor you imasexygranny2: my life isnt very odd so i guess i dont have an egg-like life
I kind feel like running, grabbing my sneakers and running away-not literally. Just running and passing by all the pathetic losers who don't know what to do with their day. I love the feeling of having your lungs in your throat and your legs wobbly from over-exertion.
Carolyn painted my fabulous background. isn't it lovely? we need to upload more pictures again. i think we have a mission for this weekend. bwhahahhaaha.