Ooooh deary... I might be going to Trinity! Here's hoping. I'd love to hear from people who have gone on and done postgraddy things. Especially after breaks in formal education. Poked the lecturer today and may be having pre-interview meeting to natter about the subject.
This is not a good mix. And as much as it FEELS productive to comment and update on posts I've been meaning to reply to in ages... It doesn't do much really. Hmm... Waking up for Flights in 2 hours... Damn.
1) Tell you why I friended you. 2) Associate you with a song/movie. 3) Tell a random fact about you. 4) Tell a first memory about you. 5) Associate you with an animal/fruit. 6) Ask something I've always wanted to know about you. 7) Show you my favourite user pic of yours. 8) In retort, you MUST spead this disease in your LJ.
Radio Bobz is back on the air! My new box (as yet unnamed) is finally up and running. Considering the problems I've had getting this going I'm about ready to hand in my geek license, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if it was nabbed off me by an angry mob with pitchforks and burnt.
Log entry, week 5 Hi all, Phone's back in action thanks to a new charger, Jobsearching's got me looking at being a Librarian, at least for the time being. Not long to update though, pc issue still remains.
Idly decided to make my LJ friends only today, Not that there's anything particuary interesting of insightful or even that private on here. Just don't want to embarress myself in front of random strangers with my ramblings. For afterall, isn't that what friends are for?