Mar 05, 2007 21:59
I <3 Blue Moon's Spring Ale!
Just an FYI.
Jan 04, 2007 14:30
My math teacher has a mullet...
And evidently, I "furrow my brow" a lot.
Sep 13, 2006 08:41
OK, so how about instead of citing everything with book publication dates and publisher names we just give the book name, the author name, and the page number? Is it really nescessary to have all that other information???
Aug 26, 2006 22:59
And Lifetime is re-airing eps of Felicity Huffma-- I mean, "Desperate Housewives"
Well, so much for bed... at least for an hour.
Jul 21, 2006 12:25
Just thought that I would throw this out there...
I love you all.
May 30, 2006 08:47
Kharma... it's best served cold with a fat slice of pie. : )
It's a beautiful day...