Ok so if you've heard,
there's reason for Harry/Hermione shippers to party. This is such a party.
Here are some guidelines
You can prompt anything about Harry/Hermione. Canon compliant, AU, post-canon, etc.
Please post your prompts on the following format:
Character (optional if you want either Harry or Hermione PoV) - Timeline (optional) - Prompt (NOT optional)
Your prompt can be anything, a song lyric, a quote, a sentence with an idea.
There are no restrictions of length, format, or number of responses for a prompt. AKA, feel free to respond to a prompt that already has responses.
Please title ALL responses with the title of your fic by using the bold tag!
Use the following format:
Title - Rating
Copy/Paste this:
http://bohemian-ann.livejournal.com/14196.html">http://i.imgur.com/2OHiIlJ.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" />
Ok so if you've heard, http://harryhermione.livejournal.com/2180362.html">there's reason for Harry/Hermione shippers to party. This is such a party. Important!
Shipping wars of all types are FORBIDDEN so if you wanna come here to be an asshole, turn around, this isn't the place.