True, we love life, not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving. There is always some madness in love, but there is also always some reason in madness - Friedrich Nietzsche
Just as a tree without roots is dead, a people without history or culture also becomes a dead people. - Malcolm X (1925-1965)
Co-worker (whispering): SeaBiscuit after this will you go change your pants because i think you had an accident SeaBiscuit: i didn't Co-worker: well you smell like urine SeaBiscuit: no i smell good he skoots away.
Yeondoo Jung did an amazing job taking drawings done my children and creating a photograph of it - as in she made the drawing 'real' and took a photo of the real event. They are incredible i think - extremely creative anyways
Skip to my loo shows us how to make our very own bullwhip a la Indiana Jones out of DUCT TAPE!
1. Did you get an allowance as a kid, and if so, how much was it? Yes i did get an allowance but it changed depending on my age and what i was doing for chores. I think the most i ever got was something like $5.00 a week
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I haven't done one of these in a little while... and my bookmarks folder is getting out of hand!
Infected with Insanity: Could Mccrobes Cause Mental Illness? Viruses or bacteria may be at the root of schizophrenia and other disorders. This article is written by Scientific American and it explores how there seems to be more individuals with
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Cappy: I hear we are having a singer come in to sing to us Co-worker: yup his name is Herb - it should be good! Cappy: oh - well we should have gotten the Spice Girls Co-worker: they are pretty busy, i don't think that they would have come if we had asked them Cappy: pity, because then we would have had herbs and spice