Title: Difficult with the Living
Rating: PG
Characters: Sayid, Castiel
Word Count: 100
Summary: Good things do happen.
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: Season six of Lost.
A/N: For
lostsquee Luau Queens
missy_useless and
hopelessfangirl, who like SPN/Lost. Also fits the latter’s undead prompt.
Good things do happen. )
Comments 10
No, really, how the fuck do you do it in a drabble. This was just so good. And so complex. And so perfect and IC and damn, I want to be able to do it, too! :((( ;) seriously, the last line totally delivered it. And the things do happen line was totally awesome. Okay, this is awesome. So totally awesome. And it totally needed to exist. XDD
I'll admit this one was a bit of a pain, though. Two characters, two shows, several storylines - perhaps not the most sensible thing to write a drabble about. But hopefully none of that shows. Thank you so much! <3
He lies on a beach, arms stretched wide on his sides like wings; breathing is a novelty.
Free, without the weight of his orders, Castiel flies off.
It’s a sad life, but they are both tired of death.
So Beautiful.
Goodness can still be found in your heart, Sayid. Covered with blood.
That gave me chills. ^
Thank you so much! I adore this. ♥
This is such a lovely comment! But I do agree with you that there should be fic about these two - seriously, parallels. So, I really needed to write this, and I'm happy to hear it worked for you. Thanks so much! :)
Good things do happen.
I tend to not be very vocal about my Sayid love but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist: I really do love him. And this drabble? Is fucking brilliant, holy hell. It's so layered and complex and beautifully written. My mind is blown and all I can do is gape. Wow. And what a crossover pairing! I have so much love for his. So much. Thank you, thank you, thank you! ♥
Also: apologies for being so inexcusably late.
Then it was a lucky guess! :) And, regarding drabbles, I should probably tell you that I have an excellent drabble by you saved in my LJ memories. (A Sawyer drabble - not entirely sure how and when I found it.)
Thank you! <3
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