I just have to say that life lately has been a trip. It's August 6th and everything is a wonderful circle of friends and having next to no obligations meanwhile looking forward toward an exciting future. My last post, while I won't bother to re-read it, seems pretty pessimistic
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I've been in the strangest frame of mind lately. It's as if I'm unhappy about something that doesn't exist. Internally conflicted to the point of not even expressing the right emotion, like anger instead of sadness. This has never happened to me before
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New layout makes me want to update for the sole reason of watching a new entry appear. Html is kind of amusing and I am obviously a huge dork, but I'm okay with that
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I am making a resolution : I will finish everything that I start. Everything.
On another note, last night was the first time I've had to escape someone's house along with 10 other people, sneaking out the side gate and sprinting down the street in plain view of the father. It was fun.
Hm. Hola. So, the longer I'm alive the longer I realize that things just keep changing no matter what. If things are good, they'll most likely never remain that way for long. They'll get worse, but then they'll get better
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