sooooooo... i made a new journal. it's the same as this one only i don't have a shit load of comunities on my friends page that i have to ignore, and it's easier than deliting them.
So tonight i'm going with steph and haley to a couple shakers and it's going to be extremely fun. I have a 2'6 of vodka and 2 bottles of wine. I'm definitly going to puke tonight. and probably get some dick. I'm going to smoke now.
everything in my life is exactly how i want it to be. that's a lot more than you can
i dyed my hair BROWN and no one's noticing, i went to work last night and no one said anything to me, untill this other chick was there and they were like "oh hey did you dye your hair?" to her, then i yelled and they pretended to like it.
p.s. i love the killers and everything they do. they're mine.