twotone has the explanation:
Livejournal has been placed on the Spamhaus black list.
Relatedly, there's a
paid user account petition going on for people demanding better customer services.
engram_au continues to be awesome, and has
come up with a temporary solution. I'm off to create a purpose-built gmail, and set up a livejournal-jabber now. ^_^
Comments 7
One person in there said "now I am receiving notifications again" but doesn't say how. Very helpful of them. Since it's blocked at the e-mail server level rather than at LJ level there is not much we can do about it. And quite frankly stopping the notifications is letting the spam build up on the accounts of legitimate users because unless we obsessively comb through our accounts looking for new comments we have no way of finding the spam.
This whole thing is actually quite beautiful in it's simplicity and catch-22-ness. Block notifications from LJ because they allow spam thus allowing spam to proliferate because legitimate users have no way of finding it and reporting it. How to kill a service/website in one simple step?
In the meantime, we unfortunately check everything manually >_<;;
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