So it’s been about a month of lockdown here in Germany. Being home all the time isn’t as tough as I thought it’d be. Realistically though that makes sense. During the week I don’t get home until about 8pm anyway, so it’s not like I have a social life outside of work
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I got to go to a trade fair in Holland this week. It was really interesting (because I am genuinely a nerd for cleaning products!) and I got to enjoy a meal of deep fried Dutch delicacies before getting the train home
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I’m off to Ireland tomorrow for the weekend. It’s a surprise trip for my mums birthday. She actually picked up I was coming based on a comment by a friend on FB so since then my sis and I have spent our time spinning lies to throw her off the scent again. It’s gotten really messy but it’ll be worth it tomorrow night. I’m all excited!
So I'll be turning 40 this year. In the last year or so I've really started to notice that I'm not as young and fit as I used to be. My hair is thinning. The hair on my head and chest is turning grey. My eye sight isn't what it used to be (but I don't have glasses.... Yet!). Worst of all is that I had my first ever back problems about 2 years ago
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So I'm on holidays in Gran Canaria this week. It's a real hotspot for gays in Europe. The weather is always good and the booze is cheap. And on top of that there is a huge nudey beach and the sand dunes are very cruisey. Lol
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