Title: Expect the Unexpected
Rating: G
Pairing: OnKey
Genre: Romace ,Fluuff <33
Disclaimer: last time i checked they didn't belong to me
Warning: un-beta-ed. English is not my first language.
Summary: Jinki never expected for such a thing to ever step into his life.
Jinki was sure that the boy was one of God’s finest works of art )
Comments 39
yeah i realize lacking some onkey feeling lately
so thanks .... i have a bright day ^_^
thaks for reading and commenting!
you know what bellie, yesterday i just complain and whining to my bb dina dinz on how ineedmoreonkeyinmylife!! because the lack of onkey seriously irritated me -.- and then she assured me with her word and put my faith in onkey back..
and you just did the same thing with this sweet-lovely-perfect drabble. thank you for this. you don't know how much it mean for me ^^
ILY BB! ♥ *octopus hug*
....well it irritates ME D: it seriously does!!
especially when instead of my precious onkey i see lots and lots of Jongkey fics! D:
awww, bee unnie! i'm so glad you liked it!!
ILY2 UNNIE! *hugs hugs back*
woaaa they kissed under the shooting star
i'm glad you liked it,
thanks for reading and commenting
And yeah, we need more OnKey!
thanks for reading and commenting!
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