I went to Pride and Prejudice today. :) its right up there with When Harry Met Sally. And i think that if i had been in my room alone and in the dark, with boys on my mind, I would have bawled my eyes out. But i don't usually cry at movies in the Theatre (except for titanic and armageddon... the really sad ones).
so i guess I complained about the nasty camry i've been driving enough, because my mom finally said she'd trade me cars. Now i'll have to replace the speakers on that thing. (they're blown out and i can't listen to rap music) But I'll be able to listen to my cds... and i'll feel much happier cuz i won't feel like so much of a grandma. :)
1. I always get in a huge blowout with my mom on thanksgiving... 2. it means christmas is that much closer and i can shamelessly prepare myself for it 3. the snow starts coming down more and more... and it looks pretty (plus i can drink more hot chocolate :))