[16:54] pollyticks: Would you like to have an argument? [16:54] Evil-Inc: Sure. [17:00] pollyticks: Okay. [17:00] pollyticks: I'm better than you. [17:02] Evil-Inc (~Evil@ left the chat room. (Read error: Operation timed out) [17:02] pollyticks: HA!
When everything is zero, you need nothing but one zero. Which is not ten.
When everything is broken, you only have you left. And if you are tied to others, you become less important. In the end, you are nothing but a tool to keep the others satisfied. And when they don't need you anymore, no-one does
Sometimes I think - if I could only die by accident. So it's not my FAULT, but it still occurs. It would be an easy way out. Or everyone else could die (by accident) instead.