Fic Reference Post

Jul 06, 2020 02:15

My psych_30 table for Booster

My au_abc table for Booster

DC Comics

Oct. 12th, 2006
Title: Temper, Temper
Characters: Booster Gold
Rating: PG-13 for language
Prompt: #5, Multiple Personality
Word Count: 235
Spoilers: Week 7 of 52, but it's only slightly referenced
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own Booster, sadly.
A/N: Technically AU, but totally could've happened in continuity. (ETA: Definitely not any more, but when I wrote it, it was possible)

( Booster Gold was furious. )


Oct. 18th, 2006
Title: Everything Hurts
Characters: Booster Gold, Blue Beetle
Rating: PG
Prompt: #11, Castration Anxiety
Word Count: 260
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Extreme Justice.
Disclaimer: Don't own Booster, sadly.
A/N: The prompt is about powerlessness, so I started with busted suits and ended up with a busted Booster.

( He was dying. )


Oct. 29th, 2006
Title: The Dangers of Boosting Tires
Characters: Booster Gold (sorta?), Jason Todd, Batman
Rating: G
Prompt: #24, Skinner Box
Word Count: 558
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: AU. It occurred to me one day, that, really, the biggest difference between Booster and Jason is time. Truly, this could only end in one way. *Proceeds to ignore the Even Robins Curse*

( "Jason, are you sure this is a good idea?" the blond youth asked, nervously wringing his hands around a lug wrench. )


Nov. 16th, 2006
Title: A Pointless Argument
Characters: Booster Gold, Blue Beetle (mention)
Rating: PG
Prompt: #29, Repression
Word Count: 473
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: Once upon a time, I came across somebody on a forum who vehementally argued that Jaime Reyes, the current Blue Beetle, shouldn't be calling himself the Blue Beetle, because he has powers and Ted didn't, and it occurred to me that, really, the same argument could be applied more aptly to Ted than Jaime, since Jaime's powers come from the Scarab, which granted powers to the first Blue Beetle, Dan Garret. It's a thought. And, more importantly, it turned into a plot bunny. Of sad. I can write things that end with happiness and sunshine, really! D:

( It had to be a morning class, didn't it? )


Dec. 21st, 2006
Title: Business As Usual
Characters: Booster Gold, Lex Luthor, Mercy
Rating: G
Prompt: #10, Approach-Avoidance
Word Count: 453
Spoilers: Extremely mild 52 spoilers. Nothing series-ruining, or even issue-ruining.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: AU. Part of Booster's appeal is that he makes the worst decisions EVER. It is also worth noting that, for a while, this was my theory as to the origin of Supernova, although recent events in 52 have disproved it, so I figured I might as well share it as a fic.

( "Now, what is it you wished to discuss with me, Mr. Gold?" Lex Luthor asked, pressing his fingertips together. )


Jan. 1st, 2007
Title: Punches
Characters: Booster Gold, Maxwell Lord, Wonder Woman
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: #27, Catharsis
Word Count: 262
Spoilers: Countdown and OMAC, but they're pretty old, does it even count as spoilers anymore?
Warnings: Ummm... non-descriptive gore? Does that even make sense?
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: AU. I am somewhat bothered by the startling revelation that metahuman PR actually owes quite a lot to Guy being around. I mean, does that really seem right to you? I am also surprised that I never wrote this earlier, on account of it being so obvious.

( Max admitted it. )


Feb. 14th, 2007
Title: A Matter of Perspective
Characters: Booster Gold, Batman (mention)
Rating: G
Prompt: #20, Learned Helplessness
Word Count: 610
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: Because Booster trying to kill Batman is meta and hurty, given Booster's city of origin, and I don't think the guy who wrote it (Rucka, right?) even knows. And the giant Batman statue? Totally canon.

( Booster looked up at the larger than life statue of Batman looming above the park bench he was sitting on and wondered if he should do anything special for his birthday. )


Feb. 16th, 2007
Title: Spectacular
Characters: Blue Beetle, Wonder Woman
Rating: G
Word Count: 193
Spoilers: Manhunter #28
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: This fic is so full of holes, yet the bunny wouldn't go away unless I relented and wrote it. Argh. I don't like it. Something about it feels all... off, and I can't put my finger on it and it's bothering me. OK, so this fic hinges entirely on me making two assumptions that are probably wildly inaccurate. The first being that the Ted in Manhunter is, in fact, Ted (or, at least, thinks he is), and the second being that Diana is unaware of the reveal in Week 37. Yeah. Chock full of holes. Also, I figured it was about time I picked on Ted instead of Booster.

( Diana had been dreading this conversation since Ted first appeared that afternoon. )


Mar. 10th, 2007
Title: Marital Arts
Characters: Booster Gold, Blue Beetle
Rating: G
Prompt: #23, Vicarious
Word Count: 215
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Implied het, so if that sort of thing makes you bursts into flames or something, this might not be the fic for you.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: AU. I wrote something happy for once! :D Also, I felt like doing something dialogue-only. And something that was nothing but pure pointlessness. It was fun.

( "Done admiring yourself yet?" )


Mar. 17th, 2007
Title: Lucky Number Three
Characters: Tim Drake, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle (mention)
Rating: G
Prompt: #1, Transference
Word Count: 324
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: AU. Batman needs a Robin. Booster needs a Beetle. Somethings in life are really just that simple. I feel like I shouldn't include this in my psych_30 prompts, because this is very much a Tim fic rather than a Booster fic. ...I'm ignoring that feeling and saying it counts anyway. Nyaaaaaaah. Gosh, I hope I got Tim's voice right.

( Tim had to remind himself from time to time that he'd never intended to be Robin forever, or even as long as he had been. )


Apr. 3rd, 2007
Title: Computer Bug
Characters: Ted Kord
Rating: G
Word Count: 250
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: AU. Totally __marcelo's fault. TOTALLY. He writes this sort of thing all the time, and I was surprised that he hadn't written this specific concept, because well, it practically writes itself. And, as a matter of fact, it did. Funny how that works.

( Ted couldn't decide if it was horribly unfair or poetic justice, having his back broken like so much dry kindling by an evil robot he helped build. )


May. 1st, 2007
Title: The Root of Robbery
Characters: Booster Gold
Rating: G
Prompt: #9, Sociopath
Word Count: 156
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: Because canon is taking its dear sweet time explaining what Booster was up to in between OMAC Project and Infinite Crisis. Muchos gracias to wonderfish for beta-ry.

( Booster had always kind of thought the idea that criminals would unfailingly return to the scene of the crime was bunk, so, of course, here he was at the Space Museum. )


Jun. 24th, 2007
Title: Illusions and Other Tricks
Characters: Ted Kord, J'onn J'onzz, Barbara Gordon
Rating: G
Word Count: 213
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: Will not make a damned lick of sense until you've read __marcelo's Masks and In The Company of Mirrors. Will make altogether too much sense afterwards.

( J'onn wasn't the least bit surprised at how quickly Booster Gold and the Blue Beetle became fast friends. )


Sep. 25th, 2007
Title: MST3K Fodder
Characters: Booster Gold, The Joker
Rating: G
Prompt: #8, Phobia
Word Count: 407
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: When I started this prompt table, I said I'd do wharf rats for the Phobia prompt unless I could think of something better. I thought of something better. Strangely enough, this is nowhere near as terrifying as Booster vs. Joker as written by me has any right to be. Also, I swear that I wrote this long before the solicit to Booster Gold #5 came out, as my lovely beta wonderfish (betafish?) can confirm.

( The fact of the matter was Booster was terrified of clowns. )


Oct. 13th, 2007
Title: I Put Most of My Skill Points in Blather (And I Put the Rest in Knowledge (Booster Gold))
Characters: Yours Truly, Booster Gold
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,018
Spoilers: Various events in 52, and one very small, convoluted, not actually spoilery reference to something in Booster Gold #3.
Warnings: Self-insertion?
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: Done for dcdailylife. 100% fun, insubstantial, 1st-person blathering. Seems I'm rather good at that. I kind of had to fudge my own time line a bit to make it work, but, honestly, give it a year or two, and this will fit absolutely perfectly into canon. Huzzah for the sliding time line!

( I moved to Metropolis about mid-August of last year. )


Nov. 23rd, 2007
Title: Nightmares
Characters: Booster Gold
Rating: G
Prompt: #6, Inferiority Complex
Word Count: 291
Spoilers: None
Warnings: About as soul-crushingly depressing as you'd expect this prompt to be from me. Which is to say, very.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: So I wrote this in April, at the latest, had wonderfish beta it, and then left it on my hard drive and forgot about it. Genius! So have some kinda old fic. Strangely, it seems to have aged somewhat well and I like it better now than I did when I wrote it. Make of that what you will.

( He's always had nightmares. )


Nov. 27th, 2007
Title: Preventive Measures
Characters: Jonar Carter (Booster's father), Booster Gold
Rating: PG
Prompt: #19, Separation Anxiety
Word Count: 380
Spoilers: Booster Gold #4
Warnings: Just the regular scary.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: From this interview that you should have read months ago anyway:
BOOSTER: Careful's my middle name.

SKEETS: Actually, your middle name is Jon, which in 25th Century English is short for Jonar, which means "he who tries and fails."

BOOSTER: It was my father's name. Long story.

SKEETS: One I myself am anxious to hear.

I was anxious to hear it, too. So I wrote it. Sort of. AU fic and let's hope it stays that way, eh? Beta'd by wonderfish.

( Life was good for Jonar. )


Dec. 16th, 2007
Title: 20 Random Facts about Booster Gold
Author: boredom_doodles
Rating: PG
Characters: Booster Gold, various others
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 985
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
Author's Note(s): Written for the DC Random Facts Fest. wonderfish helped.

( 20 Random Facts )


Dec. 29th, 2007
Title: Charybdis Fig
Characters: Booster Gold, Ted Kord, Michelle Carter (mentions)
Rating: PG
Prompt: #28, Free Association
Word Count: 663
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: Booster Gold #1 gave Booster an official birthdate, so, of course, I had to write something for it. Specifically, Booster's first birthday with the League. Coincidentally his first birthday after his sister died, too. Aheh. (Just be glad I didn't write about the birthday he inevitably had to have had during 52, I guess. That would be worse.)

( The Christmas tree in the lobby of the Justice League embassy was an impressive sight, tall and well decorated with all sorts of holiday ornaments. )


Red Vs. Blue

June 22nd, 2008

Title: Problem-Solving Through Violence
Characters: Dexter Grif, Dick Simmons
Rating: PG-13 for some strong language and some mild violence. Y'know, the usual RvB-type fare.
Word Count: 937
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
Summary: Takes place between episodes 2 and 3. Grif objects Very Strongly to where Simmons has decided the new rookie is going to be sleeping. Clearly, violence is the solution.
A/N: Oh, man, I haven't written anything even remotely romantic in years, and never anything slashy before. ._. Although there's nothing terribly explicit here, so at least I don't have to worry about messing that up or something. I'm pretty happy with it, though, actually.

( "What the fuck are you doing?" Grif asked, leaning against the door to their quarters once it had closed behind him. )


Random Stats:
Total # of fics: 21
Total # of DC fics: 20
Total # of RvB fics: 1

# of fics with Booster in them: 17
# of fics with Ted in them: 7
# of fics with both Booster and Ted in them: 4
# of canon-plausible fics: 9 DC, 1 RvB, 10 Total
# of alternate universe fics: 11

# of fics written in 2006: 5
# of fics written in 2007: 14
# of fics written in 2008: 1 DC, 1 RvB, 2 Total

comics, booster gold, psych_30, fic, dc, superheroes, red vs. blue, au_abc

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