I haven’t written an ep reaction in a long while, but since everyone and their dog is doing a Castle finale post, well, let me hop on the bandwagon. (caps courtesy of
rawr_caps- I did the combining, tho, as you can prob tell by the amateurish blends, lol)
before that, a bit of backtracking- brief notes on Knockdown )
Comments 43
I understand! I wish I didn't babble on so much, I only meant to talk about three main things but when I watched it to refresh my memory/get quotes...it blew out into THIS.
I do like the name Kate and don't mind Rick, I should prob clarify that in case anyone gets offended, lol, but in reference to Castle and Beckett...it feels too normal. There are lots of Kates and Ricks in the world, but Castle and Beckett's more unique. That's just my wacky head, though. (same reason why it was always Roslin and Adama with me as opposed to Laura and Bill, etc.)
Remember when Castle first started asking about it, how she said she couldn't go there again because she drowned herself in that case for three years and it took a year of therapy to realize that it wasn't healthy?:O :O :O ( ... )
lol, I'm glad I could help you figure things out in a way that lets you still fangirl Beckett. :D
Although...you'd think if the case ate her up so much it left her needing therapy, then it's even weirder to me that she stood outside crying instead of punching Castle and running back in to get those guys and severely hurt them to get the truth.
Yeah, she totally could've taken Castle, no matter how much bigger he is. I guess we can write that off to temporary paralysis due to being overwhelmed? Not only is she neck-deep in the case at this point, but she and Castle had a hell of an argument where she kicked him out and he left (which on the one hand she wanted, but on the other hand probably hurt like hell, because, always, right?) and now she's just found out that her mentor had a hand in the events leading to ( ... )
- what does Castle say at the end of this line, ‘I’ve been working with you for three years, I’m the guy that says “we can move that…”’ what? He spits it out too fast!
He says, "We can move that rubber tree plant." It's a reference to the song "High Hopes" about doing the seemingly impossible. You can find the lyrics here.
Oh, and I have to say that Ryan is just freaking adorable and Alexis could do a lot worse, Crack!ship that it is. Fabulous call on those awkward moments with the website.
Ohhh. Rubber tree plant. See, I thought he said rubber something but I had no context, so huh. Interesting.
Hee, I have a knack with crack!ships, IDEK. :P I like my younger woman/older men pairings, lol, and that convo + the cast photo just begged me to ship it for the lulz. (those lame teen boys are no good for Alexis, pfft)
I agree about Castle being shocked/upset about Beckett's pilgrimage. Weird.
I loved reading your comments on the episode. It was an interesting take and I agreed with most of it and some of it I couldn't comment on as the whole story arc is a bit of a blur.
One thing I thought was weird was that in an interview the creator said that Beckett wasn't wearing a vest "because people don't expect to be shot at funerals" but she knows that Lockwood is out to get her and that she IS in danger, especially at such an open event like that so SOMEONE should have made sure she was wearing a vest.
IKWYM! I have the hardest time with Mentalist, trying to keep track of who did what and why and how it all relates to Red John. *confuzzled*
And I still don't know why Beckett kept visiting the psycho instead of the guy he killed, he was a weak link, so she maybe should've focused on him?
And I'm glad you get why I was weirded out by Castle's reaction. Presumably it's a weekly thing for the past few months, so I felt it was a bit OTT.
Aww, thanks, bb! I had a lot of thoughts and it's nice you read it! I was concerned the length would put people off, lol, but once I started...
Beckett wasn't wearing a vest "because people don't expect to be shot at funerals"
Well, Lockwood was killed, no? Montgomery killed him? So she figured she was safe? But didn't she know there was a 'him' out there that was also out to get her? So...yeah. I mean, Montgomery said he'd made sure 'he' couldn't hurt Beckett, so we were presumably supposed to believe she wasn't in danger, but ( ... )
I knew Montgomery knew something in that scene with just the change in his expression
So well-acted! Usually I'm all about the main characters, but he just rocked that! And it was wonderfully ambiguous, not being obvious 'I AM INVOLVED, LOOK AT ME, I'M SO SUSPICIOUS'.
to have done that one thing when he was young and to turn around and make his whole life about being someone better
YES. This is what I love so much about him! It'd be so easy to let that act define him and to dig his hole ever deeper but he went looking for redemption and pushed himself to do everything he could to be the best cop he could to make up for it- including mentoring Beckett, OMG.
I still wish we hadn't found out the idol have feet of clay, but it's such a powerful story.
really he was just a dumb rookie cop, it wasnt as if he was involved in the whole conspiracyWell, he was snatching people and holding them for ransom. Okay, so they weren't killed, but I think they were beat up and they ( ... )
YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE, THEN. :P (sorry it took me a while to get back to you)
In my head, she's been going to visit Lockwood to get him to crack for so long, and his escape makes that work a waste if they can't get to him.
A friend pointed out also that Beckett had previously become so obsessed with her mom's case that she needed therapy to come to terms with it and leave it behind and that's why it was such a big deal that Castle got her involved in investigating it again. I'd completely forgotten that, so that's another element here. There's her investment in trying to break Lockwood (I wonder if she really did send her 'fanclub' to beat him up?) but also her 'addiction' and losing touch with reality because of her overwhelming focus on the case.
in the hangar scene when she seems to be losing track of her sentences...
That weirded me out, I wasn't sure what she was trying to say? What was the 'other reason' she was talking about? IDEK.
in her mind she's already taken that step toward him ( ... )
LOL, IKWYM. With me, it's not- I don't like seeing random chicks cry. That's not my thing. But when there's a strong, very 'together' chick who's usually totally composed and on top of things and in control, seeing that composure crack is just...WOW. I wouldn't want to see her breaking down every week over lame crap, but when in a situation that is heartbreak fodder, yeah. *cuddles Beckett*
when castle covers her mouth with his hand and she reaches up and touches his face and it's just ... in this moment he's there and she kind of really wants him thereI DID NOT SEE THIS. Like, my copy of the ep is really dark or maybe it's my screen, but yeah, I didn't see that at all. I still can't really see it but I think I see her hand coming up for a brief second and then it's all shadowy...but since you and a few people have mentioned it ( ... )
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