I actually really enjoyed The Secret Circle. I was rather wary, having heard less than flattering reviews of it- worse than Twilight? Say it ain’t so! Thankfully, for me, personally, it not only exceeded those low standards but was quite entertaining. ^_^
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Comments 74
Oh btw, you need to go check up on my lj. That's all I'm saying, no I won't link it because it's a special flist locked entry.
And the actual dancing was fun, but the sobbing beforehand...AUGH. WHAT WAS AWESOME ABOUT HER WIBBLING? I SEE NOTHING LOVABLE ABOUT IT. When she cheered up and was all 'I'll teach you', that was adorable, though.
Also, I kept thinking the whole way through 'THIS SHOULD HAVE NATHAN FILLION', so maybe I was a little prejudiced? :P
Oooh, secretssss. I shall go see. :D
You need to pull that stick out of your ass. ;-b
The whole point to the beginning of that vid is that someone as gorgeous as Stana can be turned down for dates too (and pull of a nerdy,geeky girl look). OMG, I found that whole bit hilarious, even if the sound on it is off. I loved it. Loved the whole thing. Even geeky/nerdy girls can know how to dance and teach a guy how to. Hell when I first started college I had to teach a 19 year old boy how to do his fucking laundry.
I'll let it slide since you did think it should be Nathan and maybe it was originally supposed to be him and something kept him from doing it.
Yes I has a secret and it stays on MY lj in the posts it is assigned to. Please. Thank you.
It's just that the dude was recording a message going, 'This is Castle's castle...no, that's lame' which SOUNDS like something that would be for Nathan, no? So that dampened my enthusiasm- I prob would've been okay if they hadn't put that thought into my head, but then all I could think was how much better it'd be with him. I BLAME THE SCRIPT.
Her sobbing really...annoyed me. I'm sorry, I know, I'm a terrible fangirl, but the 'boohoo' thing makes me grit my teeth. AUGH. I get the idea behind it and I like the concept but nobody, nobody can make me like annoying fake sobs. Even Stana!
I had to teach a 19 year old boy how to do his fucking laundry
I hope he paid you back in some way. :P Unless he was a friend, in which case you can do things for them without expecting quid pro quo.
Pfft. I'm not gonna spread it round! No need to tell me twice. *squish*
Which is ridiculous because as soon as he did that "let Sirius Black and James Potter be the biggest assholes ever and still be their friends because, hey, he's not getting bullied" passhole aggresshole routine, it would be over.
Dumb quiz.
IFKR? Lupin's got this rep as being such a cool guy and it's like, what, guys, he's not a saint, he's got flaws and not in the 'aww, it just makes him even more perfect because he's not perfect' blah blah blah way.
I might understand why he let the bullying go- but to know that Sirius was COMING TO KILL HARRY AND NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT THE SECRET PASSAGE HE WAS USING TO GET INTO HOGWARTS?! What a douchebag, I can't even.
Aww. *pets* Well...I'm happy with Snape, but can you believe #2 on the list was Dumbledore? DUMBLEDORE. OMFG. LOLNEVER.
Because while Lupin isn't the kind of guy I would ever want to marry, I realized after I posted the comment to you...
... that he is absolutely the kind of guy I date. And that every single one of my past relationships was ended by me or (once) by the man in question due to Lupin-like behavior that, to be perfectly honest, drove me absolutely batshit to the point where if I never see any of those men ever again it will be too soon.
I may have to start having any guy I date take a Sorting Quiz and only persuing Slytherin answers. :/ Or start looking for Snapley traits in the RL guys I meet.
LOL, I love the idea of testing potential dates with the Sorting Quiz, that is hilariously awesome! <3 And sigh, I wish I could find a Snape IRL.
Lol, hyperbole. But it's 'coz I was thinking that Faye was made up a lot like Morgana- she has the cheekbones, the dark 'I AM EVIL, MWAHAHA' make-up and dark hair...so yeah, the banning of magic adds to the Merlin-ish thing in my head.
But I didn't actually hear that bit, so thank you! That would def explain them being so paranoid about keeping it quiet. It's just that personally, if I ever manifested cool powers, I'd totes tell my mother about it, lol, so them acting like 'ZOMG, WE WILL BE KILLED' puzzled me. But if it's abolished, etc. yeah, that makes sense.
Lookit that, one of my few criticisms of the show has been eliminated. :P
I'm a little sad that it looks like Faye's gonna be full-on evil, though, I saw a promo vid thing. *sigh*
I personally just buy that as a for the sake of plot instance. I think we're supposed to assume later that were Diana there immediately, setting fire to Cassie's car never would have happened. I mean, I commented on my lj about how freaking quickly Faye and Melissa jumped to the set the car on fire bit. I think it was sped up so Diana would have a chance to show up eventually. It doesn't matter what she was doing. I guess you could assume maybe Diana thought the others would chat Cassie up until she made it. *shrugs*
I like trying to predict where the writers are going, lol. I'm mostly wrong, but sometimes I call it and I am proud. ^_^
But you're right, if she was there, the fire thing wouldn't have happened and that was necessary to the plot. It's just I'm a super detail-oriented person, so when people go 'oh, we'll meet up here sometime', I immediately go, 'WHAT TIME? BE SPECIFIC.'
What channel was it on btw? Pay TV or normal free to air?
I DIDN'T REALIZE PHOEBE TONKIN HAD SUCH A LARGE FANBASE ON THE INTERNET, BUT NOW I GET THE APPEAL. I'm totally gonna become a fangirl, I think. I'm not too sure about the writing for her character (pilots are always shaky and sometimes the characters are really revamped in later eps), but the actress herself is all kinds of awesome. :D I THINK YOU WILL BE PLEASED.
No worries re: the cut. I love spoilers myself, but I know others don't all think the same way and I'd hate to ruin it for anyone. I'm so glad LJ didn't wreak havoc with this post, 'coz I did have a post (on another comm) that REFUSED TO BE CUT and I was so embarrassed. >_<
Er, from a quick google search, I believe it's on The CW Television Network? I'm not sure about channels overseas, so...yeah. Hope that helps.
Nah, dwld websites or episodes scare me coz my laptop has contracted so many virus' that are so expensive to fix from the slightest download so I try to avoid them and just stick with youtube. I'm hoping it will be up by now (I'm about to look)!
She's just such an awesome actress! She seems like a genuinly interesting and kind person and I want to meet her so bad!!! :C
So yeah, I d/l the ep off the internet, I have no idea if it's even gonna air here. Although with an Australian actress, you think they'd give it a shot...
Aww, I'm sorry you've had such bad experiences with viruses. *squish* I hope you get lucky with YT! *fingers crossed*
I would LOVE to meet her! Come on, Phoebe, come to a convention here, damn it! I think she'd be a ton of fun to talk to!
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