The Two Ivans is a Miles Vorkosigan fanfic story, the third of four tail-pieces to my fanfic novel of manners
Forward Momentum (of which a perfectly absurd summary is available
here) following
The Christening Tour and
Not Place, but People. If you're not familiar with events in this continuity ('The Peaceful Vorkosiverse') it will make limited sense - and if you haven't arrived via it, please see my
tail-pieces overview and index post.
These characters and settings are the property of Lois McMaster Bujold, borrowed for fun.
The story is set on Eta Ceta IV in the Spring of 2808, some 2 1/2 years after the end of Forward Momentum and a year after the Celestial Garden premiere of The haut Pel's Grace to the Fallen. During his two years as Deputy Ambassador Ivan has been languishing hatching a cunning plan, I'm sorry to say, and the inevitable is well about to happen.
I offer a dedication to all those readers of Forward Momentum who posted to say, quite rightly, that I was being far too dismissive of the Great Vorpatril. Not this time, folks. And a special mention goes to recordclip, who "would totally read anything, but especially one where Ivan announces his engagement ..." 'Nuff said.