Are you confused about the difference between PubSubHubbub and rssCloud? You're not alone.
Here's how the confusion came about:
Dave Winer invented rssCloud way back in the day. It only distributed lite pings, the callback endpoint was the IP address that you subscribed from, and nobody really ever implemented it, so you
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Comments 29
We implemented the cloud element in Radio and Manila, two leading blog platforms, in 2001 and 2002. So it's not true that no one implemented it. And it wasn't hiding, it was right there in the RSS 2.0 spec, which is a very widely implemented format.
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Can we try to set up a time for you and Dave to sit down and discuss this?
-Edwin Khodabakchian (, co-founder of feedly)
As a member of the RSS Advisory Board, I can't stress enough how important it is for specs to be written as a public process. The RSSCloud Interface should not be controlled by one person, as I argue today on my blog:
An rssCloud <-> PSHB proxy would be trivial. I'm just happy we're making data realtime. The only sad part is that developers might be confused for awhile.
This reminds me of the early days of OpenID when there were all the other random OpenID-like systems that did mostly the same thing but with different bits on the wire. I think just as with OpenID vs. TypeKey (for example) it won't be too hard to map between these things so that one can be implemented in terms of the other.
While we're on the subject of bridging things, it'd be neat to have a hubbub hub that can use pings as an optional second notification mechanism so that folks running software that already supports such pings don't need to install anything new to get started.
The issue is that XML-RPC pings only take the channel URL, so you have to parse HTML to rediscover the actual feed URLs, or maintain a relation of feeds to channel links (the latter is easier, actually).
Otherwise, I still think that light pinging is going to hinder everyone long-term. The performance characteristics are bad. I'm starting to expound on why here:
Feedback would be appreciated!
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