Title: Skittles (Part 2) Rating: PG W/C: 2,232 (all together) Summary: Yongguk, Youngjae and Jongup would be the good guys. That leaves the rest of B.A.P to be the bad seeds in a flower pot. ( Read more... )
Title: Skittles (Part 1) Rating: PG W/C: 2,232 (All together) Summary: Yongguk, Youngjae and Jongup would be the good guys. That leaves the rest of B.A.P to be the bad seeds in a flower pot.
Title: Reason 1. Rating: Rated PG (Okay, minor eh-eh implications, but other than that... It's clean~) W/C: 475 Summary: Aoora has different colored hair and brows.