life------ what can i say, man i dont know whats going on anymore, i go from happy to crying, laughing to worrying, lonely to content, content to lonely, friends to frinedless, friendless to friends
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either ur neighbor was movind dead bodies to another spot or sellin some drugs who knows. i mean com on nobody leaves thier 6 times b/w 2 and 6 am. sittin by the road was pretty cool even though that white thing was pretty weird. lol it could a ghost of one of those guys ur neighbor killed. ugh freaky. i had a dream bout that movie we watched. cold water manor or w/e it was called. that hole thingy that girl fell in was weird w/ the half decomposed body. shawn ur snoring woke me up , u sound like a freakin lawn mower
that was scary man.... he was seriosly doin something messed up i dunno what it was but that wasnt cool. haha it was cold creek manor!! i dont snore... and yea we gotta do that again haha i will post those pics soon
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