till school ends. i couldnt tell you how hard it is to sit in class and pretend to be interested. i couldnt tell you cause i dont try and pretend. yesterday i was supposed to have gone to the doctor and been stabbed. however, i was too ill for them to shoot me
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there was one question that bothered my mind during my prom/birthday party down the shore. Why do gay guys love to fondle boobs? Seriously, this question irked me almost as much as why not fuck a he/she? I think its a reasonable question to say the least. i saw some weird shit last weekend and i wasnt even on acid. we're all on the list to rehab i
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i wrote a song. finally. i mean like a complete song, guitar part, lyrics, the basic formation of a guitar verses, chorus', bridge, intro, outro, i'm so proud
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so i got accepted to RogerWilliams university, which is a very very pretty college with lots of sailing cause its right on the water. i love sailing and that just makes me really want to go there. i was pissed the other day though cause i didnt get into Rutgers. (fuckers) but i really wasnt planning on going there cause i visited and it was a
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last night andrew sang a song for me.. it was sweet. nobody's ever done that for me. i love hanging out with him, he makes me laugh so much!!! my sweet sweet andrew
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So much bad shit happened this weekend. my mom discovered i'm not as innocent as i appear. that kinda fucked everything up. and then there was that whole party thing in my basement which was actually pretty good. i straightened tim and alex and limey's hair. tim looked so cool, like some fuckin heroin addict
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