Title: You Are the One for Me [Short Story] Pairing: Onew / Key Rating: R / NC-17 Genre: Angst, Rape, Romance Summary: Key finds it a little hard to open himself up after that happened
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awwwwwwwwwww ;______; -sobs- FUCK THEM FOR RAPING MY BUMMIE :( he must felt horrible ;A; and~ughh jinki is stupid sometimes!~ cuz he kinda hurt key too~ tough its not as it seemed~ ughh and then~~ key bleeding~jae wanting to rape him again DX -KIICKS- thank you lee jinkii~~ for saving our bummie -3- ughh~ at least it have happy eneding :) well~ not TOTALLY happy~cuz they did rape kibum~ but still~bittersweet? :x OH ~
anyway`thanks for sharing unnie :)) next time ~dont u dare letting someone else than Jinki touch his little ass humff -glare- :D <33~
That's reassuring. *wipes brow* And better late than never, right? Not that I mind cause I know I'm late at times. It wouldn't be fair to get angry at you for that.
I'm glad I managed to make it realistic and I'm happy you liked Jinki in this! *grins* But wait, which insecure part?
*huggles back* I'm already in the midst of finishing my trilogy and starting on a new OnKey fic. Don't worry, it'll be up in no time! I hope.
Thank you so so so much for reading and liking this! I love you, Dina!
Oh my God, baby! I'm so sorry! I'm so forgetful! I must have forgotten more people! I'll spot you on all my OnKey fics from now until you're not interested, okay? And JongKi should be first and JongSeung second! Not the other way around!
AWWWW!!! FUCK THOSE JERKS WHO RAPED KIBUMMIE! D< who the hell do they think they're?!?
Kibummie is lucky to have such a sweet and caring boyfriend like Onew♥♥ i loved this! thoug it really broke my heart when Key was crying! and then when he became afraid of strangers! D: Jonghyun is such a good bff♥ i love him and want a friend like him!! =u=
awwie ): kibum getting raped hurts. and to know he keeps bleeding makes it worst /: sigh. poor kibum. but im so glad that jinki was there for him, and regardless of what happened to Kibum, jinki still loves him so much! thats true love! onkey!!! <3<3 thank you for sharing unnie! (= ^^
Comments 48
he must felt horrible ;A;
and~ughh jinki is stupid sometimes!~ cuz he kinda hurt key too~
tough its not as it seemed~
ughh and then~~ key bleeding~jae wanting to rape him again DX
thank you lee jinkii~~ for saving our bummie -3-
ughh~ at least it have happy eneding :)
well~ not TOTALLY happy~cuz they did rape kibum~
but still~bittersweet? :x
OH ~
anyway`thanks for sharing unnie :))
next time ~dont u dare letting someone else than Jinki touch his little ass humff -glare-
We'll see. No promises from me. XD
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I'm glad I managed to make it realistic and I'm happy you liked Jinki in this! *grins* But wait, which insecure part?
*huggles back* I'm already in the midst of finishing my trilogy and starting on a new OnKey fic. Don't worry, it'll be up in no time! I hope.
Thank you so so so much for reading and liking this! I love you, Dina!
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this is onkey, onkey is my middle name, after jongseung, and jongki <<;;
:D jongki is no2!!!!!!! OMG I can't believe i said that :P
I'll spot you when I post more OnKey, yeah?
Omo! I hate chu! It's okay, JongKi is still first in FTI fandom for me. XD
FUCK THOSE JERKS WHO RAPED KIBUMMIE! D< who the hell do they think they're?!?
Kibummie is lucky to have such a sweet and caring boyfriend like Onew♥♥
i loved this!
thoug it really broke my heart when Key was crying! and then when he became afraid of strangers! D:
Jonghyun is such a good bff♥ i love him and want a friend like him!! =u=
Thanks for reading!
and to know he keeps bleeding makes it worst /:
sigh. poor kibum.
but im so glad that jinki was there for him,
and regardless of what happened to Kibum, jinki still loves him so much!
thats true love!
onkey!!! <3<3
thank you for sharing unnie! (=
Of course Jinki loves him and will stand by him no matter what. :)
Btw, you've not read/commented on Your Tears Are My Downfall yet.
-runs over to read-
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